Can we please do something about boomy clone?

It’s so frustrating to see boomy fake cast for what feels like 10 seconds and even if you do kick them they still punish you by cloning you once and winning the game.

I think removing fast clone would be the first step.

The second step would be to reduce the duration of clone by 2 seconds.

Boomy damage doesn’t even bother me that much, if they didn’t have those moments, where boomy runs around in bear form, after fake casting for 10 seconds, just to land 1 clone and win the game. That is NOT healthy gameplay.

There is also just so many ways to save in this game that allow boomy to do this!

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ultra rare swole W

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It’s so frustrating how broken they are.

I forgot to add that bear form is too strong. They need to also tune that because it’s a big part of the problem, but for some reason that got buffed recently.

Druids will still tell you they don’t have enough.

i agree buff feral :3

It’s baffling to me cyclone is still 6 seconds after the cc rework. Definitely needs to see a reduction or become dispellable. Personally I think it should at least get a 15-30 second cd like hex or repent or sleep walk, both far weaker ccs.

Just come play some battlegrounds with us, Swole. A lot less frustration.:slight_smile:

Incoherent post nobody who pays attention to arena games will relate to a shred of

Sure man have at it

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Clone should prolly be 5 seconds to start and they need to look at unnerfing melee kick lockouts, feels incredibly unrewarding landing a kick as melee (unless you’re maybe a rogue) because the lockout is so short now. It’s almost like why even bother


Clone should be 5 baseline, talent in tree to make it 6 with a 15s CD

This is a good idea that would be easy enough they might actually do it

why 6? It can’t be dispelled other than mass dispel, they can cast it again because there’s no CD, and it can’t be broken with damage. Clone is without a doubt the most broken ability in the game, bar none.

all cast speed reductions on clone broken and duration by 1 imo

incarn lasts way too long for how short it’s cooldown is
it would be great to see the duration halved in pvp or the cooldown increased but neither would happen without it being weird since it would be functionally different than pve so reallocating some of the burst into their other ACTIVE damage sources would be great

Incarn is definitely apart of the problem, but as I see it, if they nerf clone and damage, then boomies will probably be over nerfed. If they nerf clone, then let them have damage effectively making them a high damage glass cannon spec. But being able to do the damage they do on top of having the best control in the game is so stupid.

What’s gets me about cyclone is set-up (stun from bear form?) which lasts just long enough to get it off, which leaves little choice but to trinket at the beginning when everyone is popping CD’s.

What are you guys thoughts on not using Mass Dispel? I do use it on mages, paladins, and to keep my team free of being cycloned, but the cast time seems to outweigh the remaining time left on the enemies defensive spell. Thinking of dropping it or is that crazy?

I suggest they add a cd to bear form. Make it like every other defensive.

Seeing them go bear form and passively heal is just crazy. Theres no counter to it.

I really hope we get some balancing soon because this spec is absurd.

I was in the most triggering lobby yesterday. Feral, boomy, and resto…Surprisingly we (enhance,ele,holy priest) won the all druid round. But just every round I was dealing with unlimited mobility and cc. I felt like I was playing a symphony just to go 3-3.

I wonder why

Because the boomy was terrible. They didn’t know how to do damage. They could however find their bear form button and cyclone button. If they could do more than 40k dps we would have lost.