Can we not gift everyone free professions to 350 on launch?

Nor was the initial post, yet there was no need to be a prick to an absolute newcomer who had no idea what was going on. And since they felt the need to slap her wrists, I decided to reciprocate.

You don’t seem to care much about intent, judging from our limited correspondence between these two threads. I guess ethics don’t apply online.

Na I just don’t over-react over tame interactions online. You seem to take them to the extreme very quickly, though.

You surely wouldn’t disagree with me, then, speaking my mind in regards to calling someone on their blatantly rude behavior.

Yet somehow, here you are.

I’m here telling you you’re being weird without saying it blatantly. So here you go, you’re weird.

Have fun defending people from the vicious “yikes” forum posts!

Why do that when we can just raise our pitchforks, post to the forums, and start a rage cycle of vitriol?


You still out here?

Sure am. Would you like an autograph for this post?

Yeah, treating people as humans is weird.

Online it certainly seems to be.

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Na, would you like one for mine?

Are you sure? You seem to be one of my biggest fans.

I don’t consider interacting with a fan to be “going at it.” He’s welcome to convince himself of whatever though.

It’s hilarious, I’m in the middle of a banter with this Moledude, then you jump in with something and now you two are going at it

How exactly do I proceed?

I don’t think treating others as human is weird.

I think that thinking someone saying “yikes” is super insulting is weird. It’s not that big of a deal. One person said yikes.

Carefully step over the two bodies engaged in coitus without disturbing the animals in their natural habitat

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Are you sure? You seem to be a big fan of mine as well.

I told you last time you offered already friend, I am not interested.

It’s not weird, it’s merely condescending, and if you can’t see that, you need to sharpen your human behavioral skills. Why, if you’re so unbothered, would you take issue of my wrist slap of their wrist slap?

You’re also the person who fails to see how Kantian ethics could apply to a video game composed exclusively of interaction with others.

I’m the top, and Bloomsday is the bottom 100%.

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anyone on the forums all day with 20k+ posts across alts doesnt need to be insulted

He is an insult to his own existence

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On this you and I agree!

He seemed to have that yellow post bookmarked for your next interaction

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Again, it’s one person, and the tone of the post wasn’t that bad.

Defending people is one thing, overreacting is another.

I think you overreacted more than others in this thread, hence why I’ve said what I’ve said. We can agree to disagree respectfully.

Just know one thing, if you ever agree with Bloomsday on anything ever, you should re-evaluate your life. That one I will not back down on lol.