I don’t mean the buff it gives, I mean the visuals.
You guys made a filter to get rid of spiders and then make a trinket that lays spider eggs on your character…
Please don’t
Thank you
I don’t mean the buff it gives, I mean the visuals.
You guys made a filter to get rid of spiders and then make a trinket that lays spider eggs on your character…
Please don’t
Thank you
I dunno about TWW but hope midnight from spooder items that you want.
Supporting this, but also just generally speaking I wish we could tone down the effect of trinkets. Wrathion’s dragon scale or whatever it was that summoned those giant wings on you, or the candle on your head, the fireflies gathering around you, etc. They can be cool, but I’d really like a toggle to turn them off.
Yeah I’m the same. I purposefully didn’t use that wing trinket when I got it because I hated the visual lol
Man, people really will complain about everything…
What about all the people who like it and think it’s cool?
They can leave the trinket effect toggle on.
Toggles are great, but they could also just tie it into your current preferences on spell effect detail.
Oh no!
A person expressed their opinion
On a forum
Designed specifically to give feedback and opinion…
clutches pearls
Trinkets that affect your character’s appearance are annoying and should have a toggle for the visuals. This isn’t the first, and won’t be the last, trinket that does stuff to your character.
At least they aren’t in your ear
I mean to be fair, they too expressed their opinion … They happen to like the visual.
At the end of the day though, there’s usually multiple trinkets in the S+ tier list for each class & spec — So simply having one use a spider visual shouldn’t be too horrendously groundbreaking, as there’s always others you can aim for if you’re not a fan
yeah i spent the whole xpack with cysts all over my body. why do i bother making a cute mog if im gonna be covered in cysts anyways lol
Why shouldn’t they? Just use the filter or find an addon.
I have never noticed this. Definitely going to pay more attention next time.
too bad their opinion is dogwater
Ops right tho. I love the actual impact of haste/damage/stats but the visual sucks.
The worst was that one of DF that turned you into a green bird. I forget what it was called
I threw it away so fast for a downgrade trinket. I’m a warlock, why would I turn into a bird?
I find it a bit annoying. But for anything that matters, I tend to play zoomed out as far as I can, so I’m not seeing much of my character’s aesthetics anyway. Maybe if it only showed up in combat, instead of randomly having egg sacs on your character as you run around a dungeon.
an easy fix for the sacrbrood would have been to just move that piece of loot to the final boss.
It was an awesome trinket,
That candle on my head is annoying, but generally speaking, you should be looking at your feet, or your bars, not at your head during a fight.