Can we NOT attack players right from the go?

Let them chase you a while. Then just leave. Spite is fun.


I remember during original Plunderstorm, my husband and I were a dual-team of red haired Gnomes that resemebled chucky. It was so fun. Anyway:

We landed and chased down someone who had just landed and all the while they were pleading saying “Don’t have gear lol” and we’re like Okay? If It’s red It’s dead.

This is PLUNDERStorm. Not Carebearstorm.

Whatever. I’m not the one trying to play this game the way it’s not supposed to be played.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying anyone has to play the “correct” way, just pointing out that complaining about people playing to win makes you look completely ridiculous.


It’s a Battle Royale. The plunder is there literally so the game has more bodies in the meat grinder since there’s not enough PvP enjoyers in the game make the game mode function. Having a player in the game who was immune to PvP for any length of time defeats the purpose of getting that player in the match in the first place.


You just made a very compelling argument for not having a 3rd Plunderstorm.


They do this, they already lost, they won’t have the level advantage.


not really pvp as most people wait till your involved killing something else before they gank you


Yeah, I might just leave the rest of the junk on the table … I’m really not a fan of sweatystorm.


Maybe your definition of PvP has some noble and fair “duel of equals” feel, but real PvP is just murder hobos trying to murder other murder hobos by whatever maximally successful murder hobo advantage possible.

“Fair” never had anything to do with it.


ROFL so every pvp server until they were shut down. Sounds like classic pvp.


Land in different places and dont go for thirsty areas (like the dead center of stromgarde, for example). You can get 500-1000 plunder in just a few minutes with no interference from anyone in many, many places. Even when id land in a place and realize someone else was near, id just run, use my barrel, head to another area and keep farming. Some people want to gank and it’s a bit pathetic, but tons of people who are playing are just farming plunder. They’ll leave you alone and go off in their own direction too.

This overlooks that fact that the spells are different. If you get the fish you are behind someone who gets fire or mana bomb. All starting spells are not equal


Yeah…so you agree that the PVP “community” is generally garbage ?
Or are you part of the fith column ? Tis hard to tell.
I mean… you might want to really review what you are saying there.


I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Nah I think you should. I’m pvping in a pvp game and not crying about it. I’m not the one with the problem.

Fiths Column alright.

“ROFL so every pvp server until they were shut down. Sounds like classic pvp.”

You by this agree that PVP(I apologize to people looking for an actual fight) people are Garbage Gankers, while maintaining this Garbage is in some way worth pandering to.
Please elaborate.

“hUrRr EvErYoNe WhO lIkEs SoMeThInG i DoNt Is GaRbAgE”. Why are there so many babies here nowadays?
Bliz releases a PvP game, they allow even the bad players to get all the rewards in a few hours, they make the event last nearly 2 months, and you STILL need to cry about it.
If you people spent as much time actually trying to earn plunder as you did throwing a tantrum on here you would have been long done.


No one said that, but if backstabbing, ganking, and general crap behaviour is called the “PVP Community” here.
Well it is Garbage then.
I already got all the stuff I want btw. I simply didn’t take part in this silly excuse for PVP Combat while doing so…

It’s literally been that way since day 1. Are you new?

Nobody walks up to another player, slaps them with a glove, and says “I see you are the same level and ilevel as me, plus you’re not my counter class and nor am I yours, I hear by challenge you to a duel.”

PvP is player verses player. Not equals verses equals.

And I never pretended the Pitiful excuses for Humans that do it are anything but Garbage…did I ?
Plunderstorm just shows the worst of the worst.