Can we nerf ww already

And then you look at every other melee which is doing maybe 2 of those things well lmao

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I don’t think ww does crowd control better then any other melee, same with utility considering our only button to help our team out is a disarm and rop maybe, and our self healing is good at best if you spec both expel harm talents it’s better but most of the time you can’t. arms warriors out heal me most of the time. but our defensives/mobility/sustain/burst is rly good of course.

I suppose expel harm healing isn’t what I was referring to, that does seem in line with other classes. It’s more-so when they transcend away at 20-30% health and heal to full in a few seconds of soothing mist while their heals is CC’d

right but then they aren’t getting out pressure and doing what they are best at, if they are running then you are probably winning.

I understand that, it just adds another layer of things you potentially have to deal with. Like even if you beat them on so many fronts (which is nearly impossible currently), having the self healing is just another facet that makes it feel unwinnable vs skilled players. You almost feel punished even, for putting damage and cooldowns into them just to have them mitigate it with a cooldown-less self heal

Aug player? Because I have an Aug alt it invalidates any opinions?

Reading the rest of your replies your takes are pretty rational tbh. Like I said though fist parry shouldn’t exist in current state of ww :man_shrugging:t2:

All the windwalkers in my lobbies going 6-0. The lower rated players can’t react to the damage