Any class with a mog this fire needs to be completely unplayable or else it’s not fair for the rest of the player base
Why are you a male nelf?
Yaaassss king! Go off!
Female nelf proportions are stupidly large for some mogs and my blood elf is only level 60 sadly
I don’t play female toons like 99% of the player base, but even I can’t play male nelf.
Also, female nelf has the best animations in game.
Ugh fine let me see what the mog looks like on this guy and maybe I’ll use it on him instead
Edit- this guys mog is already too fire. Can’t swap it sorry
Vulpera need to figure out if they are plantigrade or digitirade instead of some in between hybrid that looks bad
Nobody knows what those words mean professor wolf boy
It only matters that Kennie knows
Kennie, my shaman died yesterday :(. Died in an un goro crater ape cave.
we can’t even get capes that are more detailed than a flat texture, maybe we can get to the vulpera issue in a few years’ time
Another piece of evidence in my case against ever entering a cave that my duo will ignore because he got his cyclone axe and charges in 1v7
Over confidence is the real killer in hardcore classic
Yeah, I’m crying in discord unless we’re 2v1ing a green mob.
During regular classic, I swapped from human to night elf after hitting level 40 so I could shadowmeld and have some small amount of safety against respawns
Scaredy cat
In truth I did it for the looks