Can we make the Booty Bay bruisers capable of more than nothing

Short and to the point I don’t know if Im just really unlucky or the alliance on my sever just have way to much time on my hands but every time I go to booty bay they is always a group of plp there who kill every Horde they see regardless of if they get anything for it and the guards don’t do sqwat about it. oh they will try , there memory’s are just useless and a quick bubble / burrow trinket/ swim to the center of the bay and they just walk rights back up and kill you again. The fact that a pally can 3 second a 4000 Hp character alown is a problem but for another post.

SO as per my request please give the bruisers some teeth and capacity to knock people out of immunity’s and or to not lose agro , its supposed to be mostly safe but it should not be a hunting ground for people with a trinket or bubble.