Can we make Demo viable for arena please

Sorry you cant handle facts.

Demo is viable, just not optimal.

2401 in RBGs screams someone sold you a carry. Even then its still not that respectable considering you havent broken 1750 in arenas.

Your one time glad came when people mostly keyboard turned and didnt know what a focus macro is.

RBG rating hasnt really ever been respectable. Didnt your rating seller tell you that?

LOL, no ones treating you anyway that you arent treating anyone else. End of the day you are mad because you arent being treated as Epics equal because you arent.

At the end of the day be happy knowing you are crap with horrible achievements, and in order to feel special you need to straw man and discredit others, or lower yourself to another persons do boy.

“you are mad because you arent being treated as Epics equal because you arent”. LOL, you truly must be 12 years old. You two enjoy each other, I hope it works out between you.

Idk I just have a realistic viewpoint tho…I don’t look at my multi r1 buddies and go “We are basically the same!” I realize what I might be better then them at or lack comparatively but ide never pull airs like its the same.

I can for example see how you floated low w/l up to 2280 and then magically went from 2280 to 2401 in 1 night with a 12-7 winloss meaning whoever you qued with had a much higher mmr then what you were used to playing with meaning it was most likely a boost considering you changed your name basically the next day and haven’t queued a single rbg since that que in February. I could scream boost etc etc but I don’t.

My complaints is not so much that you are proud of your own achievements its the fact you keep comparing yours to mine to prove points to “Snozy” and he’s saying what most are thinking that “They are not close”

Your issue this entire post has been that people arent treating you as a equal to me

So you keep trying to point the fact that you think we are basically the same even if that is not how anyone but you sees it. Even then… its 100% ok and if a RBG related question comes along you 100% have it.

edit; Even before I came back today to forums… you can literally see people asking where ive been in this post and if I can weigh in… I came back to try and help and this is what its been turned into for some odd reason.

Go ahead and lash out man. It makes me warm inside knowing how much of a hypocrite you are.

Even if that were true, at least I didnt buy my 2400 <3


That is probably partially my fault too. I should stop poking the troll.

Its alright brother… I could have let it go a while back it just fell into that odd place where half of it was information I wanted to get across the demo community and the other half was “This is so stupid I have to respond” a infinite trap that I am positive helped no one in the end.

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Sadly its one of those things where someone without any real credibility is arguing saying that a spec isnt viable when that isnt true and if left unchecked will spread to other people curious about demo warlock in PvP.

Hopefully he was just trolling and doesn’t actually believe what hes posting.

Epic never fail to burn,glad u still around doing demo stuff…

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Good to be back brother!

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I feel like more effort has been put into arguing on this post than the devs put into Demo to begin with. :skull_and_crossbones:


Keep it up with that attitude and another one of our pvp talents are gonna become obsolete.

Because you’re wrong

Ill take that as a compliment. I smile anytime players buying boosts dont like me.

When did PvP start having logs?

Why is a boosted RBG lock trying to give a valid opinion on arenas?

Work was really slow today, like boss texting and saying stretch your jobs to 1 hour minimum.

Inb4 Axe toss interrupt removed and/or the avoidance tertiary increases pet damage taken.

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Inb4 “soul link is now a pvp talent only available to demo” so we can have another required pvp talent.

And we have to refresh it on demon summon.

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inb4 “your summoned fellguard uses your personal weapon for melee attacks”

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inb4 “Soul Link added to row 30 talents for Demo. Demon Skin removed.”

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Inb4 “Tyrant is now Instan”-hahahahaha imagine…oh god that’s rich.

Made myself sad.

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Inb4 Tyrant is instant cast… and a 3 min CD :clown_face:

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Yes… just like darkglare…lol

Just revert to Cata/MoP/WoD and call it a day. Then Demo will be viable again if they tune us correctly. That’s probably the easiest solution since they would already have a solid core of a spec they’d just need to give us small updates to fit the modern game. I don’t see current design working at a super high level ever without a significant design rework which they don’t seem to want to do. Current iteration is way too gimmicky and way too reliant on pets to deal damage. I just want my spec back. Not this amalgamation that just borrows from affliction + unholy. Locks already have a DoT spec we don’t need 2.

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