Can we make Demo viable for arena please

Making more abilities instant cast like tyrant and making inner demon base line just little changes is all demo needs doesn’t need huge damage buffs just needs a toon up please blizzard make demo good for arenas i cant ever play with anyone cuz i am demo


Reroll. Demo is flawed by design. It hasn’t worked in arena since the BfA redesign. So many things wrong with it. No little thing is going to make it actually work. It would only work with the current design if it was extremely over-tuned. Everything we do is so easy to counter. Even if everything was instant cast the spec would still be bad in arena.


Maldiva is currently playing demo…

Ya as a joke because it’s so bad. Any success he’s having with the spec is because he’s a multi rank 1 player. Not because the spec is good. Also most people don’t know how to play against it because literally no one plays it. If you know how to counter them it’s as easy as just saving your kick for Tyrant or walking to the pillar during Tyrant window. Have fun getting arena partners as Demo if you’re not a well known member of the pvp community.


It’s like people don’t know what fake casting is.

It’s like people don’t know fake casting is easily countered by kicking properly. Faking hardly ever happens in AWC. Also you’d have to fake 2 kicks just to be able to get Tyrant off and the window to get an effective Tyrant is not that large. Also you can just cc, LoS, or outrange the Tyrant and it’s completely useless.

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You really just said fake casting is useless? No wonder you can’t break 1750.


I’ve been higher than 1750. I got well above 2k every season of WoD and the last 2 seasons of MoP. The only arena I’ve done this expansion was solely to gear me or my friend’s alts and I’ve never tried to push rating on this toon.

Also I didn’t say fake casting was useless. I said if someone actually knows what they’re doing fake casting won’t work. Even if you manage to fake cast both kicks they can still just CC you on your cast, or just CC, LoS, or outrange your Tyrant and it becomes useless.


Snozy out here rating shaming people with 0 rating and big old 40% parses. Ultra cringe.


Demo is really bad because you have to consistently keep casting to build your damage and if you are interrupted or lined during your decimating bolt window or big tyrant window you just do nothing. The spec falls apart as soon as you just don’t let them cast since their damage window is so limited. You don’t even have to kick them to stop their damage window. Literally just line the tyrant or run away when they dumped hogs.


No you havent.

Do you know what achievement’s are?

You implied it.

Thats not exclusive to only warlocks. Thats caster gameplay in general.

Been playing Lock for a month, working on getting my verse above 20% before I play any games.

Considering the majority of my ilvl parses are high 80s and low 90s you dont actually have a valid point.

Looks like you may have bought your AoTC considering you got outdamaged by a 205 lock on heroic sire.

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Yes I have. Do you know people can have more than 1 character? I only started actually playing this druid in Legion. I quit arena after WoD since it just wasn’t the same without Demo and none of my friends played anymore.

It’s not exclusive to Demo locks but Demo locks suffer far more from their rotation being interrupted because they heavily rely on ramp to do anything. Also your main offensive cooldown (Tyrant) can just be line of sighted, CCd, or outranged. That’s a huge issue. If our burst was actually in our hands Demo would be a lot more viable in arena.


You do realize your achievements are account wide and show up on any char you post on right?

Honestly I say it’s fine for one spec of a pure dps class to be bad at pvp. Just fix Demo for PvE (it’s not that far off, just a little number tuning and some QoL changes to make it a bit less clunky), and make Destro and Aff stronger in PvP.


That’s not true because if you check my character it says my first pvp achievement was earned in 2015. I started doing arena the first season in MoP on my Lock so that wouldn’t make sense. I don’t have account-wide achievements turned on for my profile.

I feel like having one of the specs be completely inviable in PvP is unfair to anyone who only likes that spec. I’ve never liked Affl or Destro. I don’t think it’s good design for a spec to only be playable in PvE. Every spec should be viable in every form of content (not everything has to be competitive, just viable).


I’ve played basically the entire season as demo, and the thing i can say with certainty is that you may beat a team once. but you will never beat the same team twice.

that first win is because they have never seen a demo lock burst window before and underestimate you. the second game, they make for the pillar as soon as they see your hard-casted wind-up.


Sure thing. Keep making excuses my guy.

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Where’s epicburn? Need a glad opinion on this critical matter

Does he still play WoW? Haven’t seen a vid or post from him in a while.