Can we make a concerted effort to not forget the White NE Heritage Armor?

Do yall remember the white NE heritage armor that was datamined and not implemented? Blizzard tweeted that the set would be added in the future. I still pine to wear this set on my NE priest. :smiley:

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NGL I had already forgotten. :upside_down_face:

It was pretty infuriating that they left it up on the official race page for awhile but then took it off there once people pointed it out lmao. Not really fair that some other races get extra tints while the others have to settle for one. Hoping it gets added eventually.

They already said it will be added in the future probably some end of expansion questline. The new promotion mount matches it perfectly. Still I like the heritage armor model I hate the colors. The warfront set from drakshore has better tints

There is a new promotion mount? Are you talking about the elemental one?

The forsaken/desolate armor doesn’t have alternate colors so i’d understand why the night elves didn’t get their alternate colors. :robot::thought_balloon:

…my example would be the three colors of mechagnome but vulpera only has the one color. :robot::handshake::fox_face:

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It really bothers me that those three types exist, but we can only choose gold. If I want a rusted mecha the gold suit really clashes the aesthetic and one of the major problems with the race is that their heritage looks way better on them than anything else.

I hate to say it but I think it’s a case of “no one plays mechagnomes so no one cares.”

I hope all heritage gets extra tints in general though. I was really happy with the human heritage that it had an extra gold tint seemingly just for paladins.

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There is a 12month promotion rn with an owl cat beast like that has the same colors and style as the nelf white heritage armor

Blizzard: Soon*
I was really looking forward to the blue tint for my hunter