Can we KILL friendly players please?

Blizz please allow us to be able to kill friendly npcs and especially players that we don’t like. I’m a very loving and patient person. I’m definitely an upstanding member of society. Like, I’m a very good person. But sometimes players can rub me the wrong way and they should have to die for their actions. Duels aren’t enough. I want to see their bones.


You’ll have to roll opposing faction and hope they turn on warmode.

I seeeeeeee…

Wait, I don’t.


Can you select to be “at war” with friendly factions? I know you can do that for booty bay and some of those specific factions. Making yourself “at war” allows you to kill the npcs.

Agreed. I’d be all for a FFA server.


A very loving murderer? Is your name John List by chance?


I’m suddenly reminded of this…


The arena’s allow this! Just go there!

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You sound like that Druid who couldn’t enter Legion because he was hated by the Cenarion Circle and they wouldn’t talk to him to start his artifact quest. Everybody was like, wut?


Well that isn’t very friendly.

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  1. Role an Alliance rogue.
  2. Do the Assassination Artifact quest.
  3. Gank Lowbies at the Stormwind Transmog building.
  4. Profit

This would have been handy that time I was trying my hand at the booty bay fishing tourny for the first time ever and some jerk sat on his mount hovering on top of my bobber while I attempted to fish. The most random act of dickishness ive ever experienced :roll_eyes:


Sounds like those dudes who say “I’M A NICE GUY, WHY DON’T GIRLS LOVE ME?!” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I wouldn’t mind a free-for-all server, but it’d have to be only selectively that way. And it might get awkward to kill or be killed by some guy, and then be rolling through an instance together 5 minutes later.

And, with the changes from PvP to Warmode servers, they are going in the opposite direction from what you are proposing…

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I think you’re onto something here OP. It’d be cool for role playing purposes or just wanting to kill that gnome for cutting in line at the auction house.

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I mean, I’m convinced. I’d trust you with my life. Definitely.


The Alliance doesn’t suit you. You need to be on the Horde side. Repeat after me:

Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Horde shall free me.


I will never join the horde. I shouldn’t have to in order to kill friendlies. Maybe we could have an extra war mode that puts us into it or something. How else will justice be won and my good name be defended?

Blood Elves, you better start hiding from your fellow Horde comrades…