Nah it’s the same person. If you quick-check their collections page, it’s the same page right down to zero pets in all 3 slots and the very limited amount of pets collected.
I’ve never seen someone hating lgbtq+ members in-game chat. Why would they have a separate forum? They’re not specials lol.
No the people who troll here would go over there to do the same.
And then forcing them all to go to their own forum away from everyone else. That would only make things worse.
Ehh, i’m not fond of the current landscape for monetization in games, and putting LGBT in the mix feels like their going to do nothing but exploit that, if not out of greed, but for good PR while only paying lip service to the idea.
Call me silly, but if we must have ingame pride items, i think they should be a free update where you have to earn them though vendors, quests or drops or what not. (And have the drops be 100% on june)
This one broke out of ignore hell, back on the pile with the rest!
"Oh no, Bari has an opinion!!! BLOCK! BLOCK! BLOCK! HIDE YOUR CHILDREN!!! " /j
While we are at it, we need other forum sections.
Native Americans
Guns rights advocates
Anti Vaxxers
Boomer section (I’m harrassed and insulted for my age. Not by my guild, they go out of their way to support me).
There are many more but I think you get the picture.
that’s sly. gonna have to start checking pet journals on these trolls now apparently
Aren’t they kind of the same thing? just one is more extreme then the other?
Honor level is account-wide as well. It can give you a pretty good at-a-glance indication if it’s the same troll posting on an alt.
Nah they have been pulling this shtick for years now, and yet they don’t have their demands met. I think they keep them here because they don’t want them on Twitter where there are more eyes.
I don’t agree with it, can’t stand it, but to hear so many say it’s all P.R. related drives me batty. It’s so obvious to disprove if they just show the post and say no this isn’t acceptable at all, if and that’s a huge if, an outcry happened.
But let’s be honest here, those bridge people won’t go public because they look terrible.
Also, while surfing on the Off topic (there’s an awful alot about diablo immortal on there) i’ve found this of OP’s… .
It’s always amazing to me that the “we need gun control people” seem to think that the USA and EU are one in the same, and therefore the same solutions will work with each other, while disregarding why we have the laws and freedoms for such things. Or think having less gun freedom means less violence, i mean it’s not like the criminals will switch to something else or still have access to them.
The moderation staff should crack down on the bad faith obvious troll threads. There’s already a megathread. In most cases anything else is spam.
I’m an LGBT+ person and I’m sick and tired of bad faith LGBT+ threads flooded with gross behavior and none of it ever getting dealt with.
And discriminate against non-LGBTQ people? Imagine straight people asking for their own forum to keep LGBTQ people out. The hypocrisy of the left never ceases to astound me.
You guys demand acceptance but dont accept other peoples opinion. You say discrimination is bad yet you are the first to do it. You say segregation is wrong…and here you are trying to segregate.
At some point do you not see the mirror?
you can stop right there. OP is a forum troll just like all the others have been, so there’s 0 need to take this or honestly any other LGBT thread seriously
i wonder if OP’s name is a reference to the Bleach character. If so, he does in fact pwnz.
I’m not too certain if “the (actual) left” is involved there at all - regardless of what constitutes “the left” of the nation that one happens to live in.
No you do not need your own forum, you just need to go away with your troll. Its simple there is a mega thread just for your special need to be attention seeking
This thread makes no sense. Terrible idea.