It really is the superior shield mitigation dps spec. I find it strange Disc is the “shield” spec when they only get 1 shield with an optional 2nd that you have to choose between shield or damage reduction (And would make an excellent skill if they were combined…).
Can we maybe let PW:R also PW;S the effected people?
Maybe get some sort of actual damage reduction we can use on command? (atonement 3% is pathetic)
Maybe a group shield that isn’t a long cooldown?
How about a heal that consumes the shield when you no longer need it?
I’d rather have them commit to healing with damage. Bring something like Pneuma and Psyche, Pneuma applying atonement, damage, and healing. Psyche just being a big hitting nuke on a 2 min cd
Sage wasn’t FFXIV’s first shield job you know that right? Scholar was doing that before Sage was even a concept lol.
Not to mention placing shields on others as you would in XIV in WoW’s PvP scene would just instantly make whatever that class/spec is BiS for any group situation tilting the imbalance in the game even further into the gutter.
I am well aware as a summoner “main”. Scholar was and continues to be sub par and unfun, especially compared to sage.
Bot too concerned with pvp with the amount of bull comps that are already allowed. Double drac is awful, rogue mage is still broken. Druids still kite for days. Disc seems like a mercy.
I just find myself wishing for older Disc specs back while looking at sage with lust (in b4 go back) but xiv itself is rather boring and too compartmentalized.
By all means double down on damage healing, but they could at the very least unlink damage healing from having to spend half the fight applying renew and throwing 10 PW:Rs out that you can only heal for a few seconds before it fades. Nevermind how useless you are when the boss jumps away and decides you cant attack them anymore.
Give be lights wrath back as a healnuke and a panic instant cast heal
I actually have felt like sage is a poor man’s disc priest, and disc priest is a poor man’s chloromancer from RIFT.
Possibly because Chloromancer was the first to do damage → heal and a lot of the ways that spec was designed early on really fit in with their game. Wheras Disc priest felt very much like they salvaged whatever they could to not give their FX department too much work, so couldn’t fully commit. Sage just feels like it’s disc priest ‘inspired’ but does a bad job of nearly everything disc priest does when it comes to being engaging. The funnest parts of Sage feel like some of the weakest parts (philosophia, looking at you).
You have no idea how much i miss plant mage healing. Rift had very good talent trees and the amount of combinations were superb.
I still prefer sage because it rewards knowing when to damage reduction and preshield, disc struggles with it because shields don’t last long enough or dont effect enough people. And they tend to be too weak to matter anyway reducing disc to just healing with chip damage.
The appeal of FF is its story, not its class designs.
That said sadly WoW class designs are not exactly batting a 1000 either atm, especially priest so I understand looking somewhere else for inspiration, I just can’t agree with FF being the place.
Odd. the story is trash to me. Chosen one mentality and boring. Where as the classes tend to be far more interesting. Dark knight is funner to play than any death knight, among others.
Sage is just among the funnest classes in my opinion.
Fair enough, I’m mostly going off my personal opinion as well as the things I hear people mostly praising about the game, which is its story and RP, while I hear few people ever really praise its class design.
I think you’re definitely the odd one out on this one. All the longtime FF players I know start to hate the tanks and healers because all of them are VERY same-y. DPS at least feel a little better put together, but there’s that overarching feeling of every class being on the exact same 2 minute window that if you don’t hit you suffer massive damage loss.
I think the thing about FFXIV’s class design I do appreciate is that the DPS all feel very well put together and they have a distinct thing going on in their rotation/AoE rotation that makes them feel ‘complete,’ wheras WoW DPS often feel broken in specific scenarios - and too many specs have to make very distinct choices on AoE vs Single target.
That is fair. They have a little too much overlap to the point many feel like reskins. And at one point machinist and bard were basically that.
Sage is just that one class i wish I could import. White mage, while fun at times with blood lillies, is basically just holy priest and nearly a copy of astrologist now since they gutted the fun card elements. Needless to say its one of a few reasons i don’t really stick to xiv at all.
I wasn’t advocating for bringing in all the xiv elements, just that sage in particular feels like a better disc priest
They feel ‘same-y’ because, well, they are same-y. Every single healer has the exact same gameplay loop with no differentiation. I couldn’t keep doing savage or attempting ultimate prog in FFXIV because it was so damn boring to play my favorite role.
Apply Dot
Use nuke as necessary
Spend tertiary DPS ability (Afflatus Misery, the new ones tied to 2 minute CDs in DT, so on)
Map the extremely scripted fight out as to minimize usage of GCD in favor of OGCD heals.
That’s healers in FFXIV. Scholar and Sage are not ‘shield’ healers. They’re just spot healers, like AST and WHM are. That’s another big issue the game has - it does not have different forms of the healer role. The difference between how a Scholar accomplishes healing a mechanic vs how a White Mage does it is extremely minute because of the OGCD Healing toolkits each healer has.
Apologies for the unhinged rant, I just have extremely strong feelings about the healer role in FFXIV and how it has degenerated over time.
I’m pretty familiar with FFXIV, I pretty much clear whatever the relevant content is then work towards an ultimate when I’m done with a WoW season.
I agree with you - healers/tanks tend to be my least favorite role in that game, which is wild because I’ve always liked Support in every other genre/game.
I am secretly going WoW will make a shield based cloth tank class. Maybe a Sage of Shields or something silly. Make shields, shoot beams, cause aggro; good times.
Nope, already had something similar to scholar where you’ll put huge shields every minute but the other healers cried too much and blizz deleted that playstyle xd