Can we just change the Void elf allied race to high elves offically?

And there’s no taking that back. Void elves should have been high elves from the beginning, but you’re going to have to face the fact that they weren’t. Blizzard isn’t going to remove or change an existing race, and it was pure fantasy to ever think they would.

Expanded customizations was the only way this was ever going to be compromised and it’s exactly what you got. Take it and stop whining.


It is time to be thankful for what we have. Do not count on any further official changes from Blizzard. Your best option is to just call yourself a High Elf.


That wouldn’t help, since the Horde doesn’t have any full on high elves.


People specifically asked for high elf allied race some people were willing to compromise for skin tones but for the majority that’s not what they were asking.

The horde has never had High Elves, they have blood elves.


No, you don’t always get what you want.

Good day, sir.


How bout no.


Yeah, that’s the entire story alright. Definitely wasn’t an entire zone about them being completely enamored with becoming a part of something bigger.


You are so far the only person on here who has actually presented an actually argument as to why they shouldn’t do this other than “I don’t want you to have what you want because I don’t want you to be happy.”

We don’t need to gut them. Umbrix will still be around doing as much as he’s doing now. And the rift will still be there, along with everything we have now.

Shouldn’t the sub-race be the one that is less popular which 100%? And in that case that will be void elves.


Not to mention saving them from being slaves to the Sethrak.

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No one has said this but you.


I haven’t seen anyone say that. Paranoid much?


Let’s just ignore how the Horde spent an entire zone freeing almost the entire race from slavery and then worked with them in overthrowing the perpetrators. Let’s just forget how the vulpera joined after the war ended. They totally just decided one day to join the Horde to kill Alliance because of some tents burned. Because vulpera absolutely had no reasons to join Horde. Totally. And definitely had tons of reasons to go Alliance.


i dunno about you, but

void elves > plain old high elves


The whispers tell me that changing my name and giving up the Void would be a bad idea. :upside_down_face:


Considering your “90% will just be pretending to be a High Elf” stat is entirely made up, nobody can actually say which one will be more or less popular.

Clearly you think there is a problem with being the sub-race because you’re not willing to accept it, but then you turn around and tell me I should be totally fine with it and that it’s not a big deal.


I don’t get it.

What are you asking for? To play a pale skinned elf on Alliance? You can.

Are you asking to play a particular character? Go roleplay.

Are you asking to see more of a particular race because you think they’re cool? Blizzard has made it clear that High Elves are a race of the past. They still exist, but the High Elven legacy is going forward through Silvermoon City and the Blood Elves. You’re essentially asking Blizzard to write the story in a way you personally want it written, instead of how they want it written.


Are we reading the same posts? There has been one person saying they like void elves and the rest have given no reasoning what so ever for saying no.

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high elves dont deserve paladins they didn’t even exist in the first place till the blood knights drained a living wind chime . you get priests and you will like it


Ok? So where does saying “No” translate to “No…BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY PLEB! DEAL WITH IT SKRUB!”?

Sometimes a no is just a no.


Saying ‘no’ to your idea isn’t an attack on your ‘happiness’.
Stop making personal attacks.