Can we Just admit Asmon is charismatic?

This kid plays a game and it blows up. I know he is bald. He has influence and Blizzard would be wise to attach their train to his star.

Before FF14 steals him

I hope he goes full time FFXIV and spends all his spare time making videos of why he thinks Wow sucks. I don’t like his asmon content but when he does Zack content it’s spot on.

Might be the motivation blizzard need for change.

Why admit a lie? He’s not charismatic, he’s just popular enough with a following of kids willing to play monkey see, monkey do.

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He rather reminds me of Larry David in that he had already gotten all of his aging done by the time he hit 30.

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His first FFXIV stream had more viewers than the last World First Race streams had.

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