Can we increase the character cap?

the limit is really easy to hit if you make rp chars and twinks/test twinks

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Having more toons aids in doing these.

You don’t, you can collect most of what’s in the game with 1 character BUT if you go omegaMode and you want to collect every single xmog in the game, ALL OF IT every pvp set, every tier set for every class, ALL OF IT then you’ll at the very least need 24 characters, it’s actually more than that because there’s certain items that are quest rewards that are GENDER and CLASS specific :unamused: So you have to repeatedly do the same quests on different classes and genders. Quite annoying. But for basic collecting you can get away with 1 character.


Thats addiction.

if you gonna be negative why post? Inkwell somewhere else.

Yes, x toons per lockout

Why do you assume this? It’s not hard to have a lot of characters if you’ve played for over a decade. Also, what makes that relevant? Who cares?

Ok, fine. Someone suggested purchasing an additional account, that made logical and perfect sense.

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That’s what I did and suggest :smiley: I hit the cap around Feb or March and bought some new accounts, couldn’t be happier :man_dancing:

Great, so you are paying for the additional server space that account requires and the support team for that.

My suggestion last year when I was facing this problem was to just let players combine an account so my monthly sub would be 29.98 and xpacs would be $80 and the character cap would be 100, everyone wins. Players get their space and one account and Blizz gets their dinero :money_with_wings:

I have upwards of 30 (maybe 40) characters at level 90 or above, so more character slots would be greatly appreciated.

The counter to anything like this is what it required by Blizzard to make this happen. If enough customers, like a real high volume, want this than fantastic, but I am certain you know that is not true.

I honestly have no idea how two accounts work, and I really do not want to know. Or multiboxers, and people complaining about them. W/E.

Personally I really advocate for Blizzard keeping things simple so that the game continues, have enough resources on hand to ensure on October 26th I can log in. I know I will not be able to, especially with servers being merged.

I have no idea about how many characters players have or the requirements to make the change I suggested either. I’m not suggesting though that they do it now, only pitching idea’s for if they think about it :slight_smile:

In software development they have to rate and rank all the prospective ideas starting with their own team, corporate influences, research and marketing, high value customers, and the complete customer base just to name a few.

Personally I hope they make some changes to maintain the real health of the game for players to want to continue their subs first.

na it doesn’t. Increasing the char cap on an account makes the most sense. Especially with 36 specs + 2 factions =72 etc.

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But then it would also increase the cost by 100%

the cost of what???

edit: ah I saw. Yea hell no to multiboxing. Bad for the game.

The other poster advised starting a second account. That would double your costs whereas your original post pointed to a character cap of 75 which allow every spec on both factions with a little room to grow. In short, a second account costs 100% more than you currently pay.

nah that’s entirely not the point of this post. It’s 1 account thing. Having a second account is pretty ridiculous unless you have wife,children ,friends etc. IMO

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Exactly. I agree with your original post and have no intention of doubling my costs just to open up character slots that could be added by blizz.

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