Can we have pre-Dragonflight Refreshing Jade Wind back?

Now that you’re removing Essence Font, can you please give us back the old version of Refreshing Jade Wind (and while you’re at it, unpair it from its current pairing with Mist Wrap so we can actually take it) so we can do group healing over time?

I don’t know of ANY mistweavers who use it in its current iteration or location. Seems like a dead talent at the moment.


i think that this would be hard to implement because of “Flight of the Red Crane” hero talent…

i can’t imagine the amount of procs with 100% uptime RJW or if RJWs are allowed to overlap during your yulon/chiji w “Restore Balance” hero talent…

…and then the conversation would be to remove/nerf something new to gain something old back? idk