Can we have pets in wow?

no i not mean the battle pets. i mean like epts that follow you around and cant battle. like all sorts of dogs breeds. this perfect chance to introduce standatrd poodle breed to wow.blizzard PLEASE DO THIS. PLEASE! we could even have like cats or parrots.


Something like cats sitting in laps? We can do that :slight_smile:

I can definitely support having more standard domesticated pets availble to summon just to have a pet around.


thank you mam this is the support this topic needs.

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You’re literally describing Battle Pets.

  • You can have them out any time you like.
  • They follow you around.
  • You’re not required to use them as “Battle” Pets.
  • There are several different colors of parrots.
  • There are several types of dogs including Corgis.
  • There are lots of cats.
  • There’s even a sloth that hangs off your back.

but these would be different. they would have like a different status.

I get what you mean, but there are already a lot of different dog battle pets, you don’t need to battle with them and they’ll just follow you around. My only beef would be that they are super small and if you use the special pet food to make them big, they get a really awful glowy/aura thing around them that looks silly. I think if they took that glow away from the pet enlarging food and maybe even turned it into a toy you could use on your pets, i’d be pretty happy :blush:

At least that way they can keep adding new breeds as battle pets and you can just use them as normal pets if you wish.


wait did you say new breads as battle pets…omg that so cute!

You made me double check, i actually said breeds, not breads lol

I think you’d love the pet system in Hogwarts Legacy, you can build areas for them, get them toys, breed them etc.

why people upset about it though?

No they wouldn’t. There’s zero reason for it. Just ask for more dog pets.

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I think some people were wanting to attach the ill feelings they had for the author of the books onto the people who made the video game, i don’t think they really had much to do with her aside from paying for the rights.

oh ok maybe i check it out. idk some peoples not happy about it. does it have poodles?

Who cares what other people think, decide for yourself if you want to try something or not lol

Not sure if it has poodles, there are a lot of super cute animals though, you can capture different color varieties of the same animal, put them in a pen for breeding and then have little baby versions of the ones you chose running around. Instead of killing them for their fur, you just pull a little tuft of hair out of them on a CD and use it to upgrade your gear and stuff, pretty cool system.

this doesnt answer if hogwarts legacy has poodles. but what is this thing?

An achievement in WoW for cat pets. There’s a boatload of them.

That is a title you can get if you collect 20 out of the 26 Battle Pet cats in the game.

There are no poodles as of yet, but they add new pets constantly.

I’ve no clue about the Hogwarts game. Apologies.

well it needs poodles. standard poodles. they are pretty.

Suppose this wouldn’t be a bad thing but… why not just the battle pets? You don’t have to battle with them of course and they DO just follow you around. You can even name them whatever you want.

Perhaps more varieties would be understandable and interactions as well of course, but really there’s just a LOT of battle pets…

I think I have like 470ish? And that’s not even like half of what exists or something.