Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Checking profiles is how you find sock puppet (you know who you are). Other then that, some people here have some really nice transmogs. :slight_smile:

Complete anonymous posting does not reduce the impact of trolls, it exacerbates it. Anonymity brings out the worst in people. See: 4Chan.


if they make claims about their in-game achievements to get a 1 up on others ill check to validate/disprove it.

if another toon starts talking as if they aren’t the other toon, but sound exactly the same, ill check

probably wont say anything in the thread but it amuses me


#1 way to have privacy on forums: Don’t post.


You can create a classic character with no armory at all or I think there’s the option to unlink a character from your account wide achievements etc. but like with logs if you don’t have anything to show for, people will just expect that you had nothing to show for, so it’s all the same.


I wanted to read what you said because the word “safe” was used. I didn’t really see anything about safety. However i will say that you can maintain anonymity by just putting folks on ignore. Personally i don’t do that as i like to laugh at others getting so incredibly upset in a video game forum but it is a tool that is available if someone is stalking you or bothering you.

Not sure that anonymity will provide for fewer trolls, if anything i would think it would get worse, people already troll all over the place on GD.

Anyone should already be able to participate however they feel on GD and the other WoW forums, not really sure what character anonymity matters much. However maybe as a half measure they could have a separate portion of the WoW forums where they implement what you are asking for and see how it goes, not sure how it would work but that’s up to Blizzard to figure out.



For full discussion, see the thread YOU ALREADY MADE ON THIS SUBJECT and was locked 15 days ago: New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Ignore and mute.


This is the 3rd post he’s made on this topic.

The 2nd also got locked.


As opposed to obvious sock puppets manipulating people or mass flagging?


I have a hot take that some people are only mean to others (worst case: new players) about their performance because that’s the only way anyone will notice or care what they are doing :jigsaw: some people just crave attention so much they will do anything to get it

Edit to clarify, I don’t mean you here, I mean the people you would be checking bc they were meanies


Makes me wonder what they are so desperate to hide.


lukewarm take to add to your hot take

if you feel the need to put down another player’s performance/in-game achievements whether it be raid, m+, or pvp, you probably aren’t very confident in your own. classic case of bullying being fed by insecurity

it almost always backfires anyway
seen plenty of cases along the lines of someone ~2800 io being rude to someone <2k, then the 3500 player comes in and puts them in their place lmao


Can’t agree. In any public forum, opinions…and those that make them…should be open to scrutiny.

However, it behooves the scrutinizer(s) to be fair about it. Fortunately, other forum goers can…well…scrutinize them in return. There’s balance in that.


Anonimity also gives the user a place to hide behind and troll. Could go either way and I see it being abused more than the other option.

I thought we were able to hide the armory, did they remove that option or something when I wasn’t around?

All in all, I know people are like you said they are on the forums, not all but some. Someone told me the other day my opinion was invalid because of a certain pvp rank i didn’t have. I thought that was funny because man that person must be such a lonely angry individual to place value on World of Warcraft pvp ranks lol.


People that look at your armory aren’t stalkers I don’t think that means what you want it to mean. I get people can make you feel uncomfortable especially on the forums filled with certain individuals that need validation and a feeling of importance with their own accomplishments in WoW. These people want to shut you down cause they feel like you’re threatening their cherished gameplay.

Also you can hide your armory I believe. But I mean even if you had a btag they’d still act this way. And being anonymous or private or what not to a point would make trolling pretty pervasive imo.

If we all had to use our real names on here and use personal pictures in the end it also wouldn’t change much other than make certain bad behavior from a select few even worse.

just post on a classic character

How many times are you going to ask for this?

No one wants anonymity but trolls.


This is the person who wants a completely anonymous account, but doesn’t want to use BattleTag as the solution because this is an MMORPG forum and characters are an important part of that.

No, it doesn’t make any sense.


We have enough anonymity as is given this is a video game forum about WoW. Blizz already has access to all of account data and info, asking for even more privacy just means you’re unwilling to bare any potential social backlash in regard to something you may post.


We should really just stop replying to these threads at this point.


not true - I never troll and I want anonymity because I tried it the other way and I got more harassment in game and on the forum.

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