Can we have an expansion where we get to play our class?

Not every spell has to be part of the rotation but I would like having 30 spells again, yes.

We also already get new spells every expansion, it’s just that they’re not class spells most of the time now.

I would like to be a Paladin again, not half a Paladin and half a Night Fae or Vampire or whatever.

That’s the thing, man… That makes you ActiBlizz’s favorite customer, for paying for the dollop of frosting on the top of the intentionally poorly designed shtcake. Cut your ties of unsavory practices even if it means sacrificing something you cherish. That’s the only way this sort of thing changes.

This is a slight tangent, but in the same frame of mind as borrowed power - the constant ‘resets’ for each major patch have induced some serious burnout in my friends and I, as well.

What I mean by a ‘reset’, in this case, is where the minimum item level reward for a lot of content is shuffled forwards. Say, a M+1 goes from rewarding an ilevel 80 item, to a 130.

Yeah, it keeps them fresh, I suppose - but it doesn’t feel great to know that you now have inferior versions of most of your gear, and spent more effort getting them than you will replacing them. It’s something I was willing to deal with on a per-expansion basis, but per-patch is too much.

Combine that with the power systems inherent to the expansion, and it just leads to us taking longer and longer breaks. There’s no real feeling of progression at the moment, despite all the fun we’re having in the moment-to-moment.

In the grand scheme I would only be but a single drop in the bucket against a raging torrent, besides I’d have less to do without Warcraft.