Can we have an expansion where we get to play our class?

I dont mind mounts or appearances being tied to covenants. We need some uniqueness between players.

It’s this insidious idea that the game was never fine as-was. Instead it must have a new gimmick every expansion to keep it interesting.

Nobody asked for this as far as I’m aware. If they just released expansions with new content and graphical updates it would be perfectly fine. Sure, address system changes when they need to be addressed. Don’t change them just because you feel like they need changed.


Borrowed Power 1
Borrowed Power 2
Instant cast DoT
White damage
Zone buff
Companion melee

Welcome to modern WoW. This is your class now.


I really don’t know what’s the feeling of change your 25 heroic icc piece of set for a green bucket…

Should have kept class order halls and build up on them. Artifacts were great because they were specifically dedigned for the specs. The Covenant abilities are trying to fit all specs of one class.

It’s weird they were able to put so much work into interesting and complex systems in the form artifact weapons for each and every spec but now they go for one-size-fits-all instead…

I don’t envy demo lock mains trying to pick a covenant. Not a single interesting synergy with any of the abilities for that spec.

To be fair Blizzard made this statement back at the end of Wrath(pre-Cata). At the time with wow being such a success, I imagine they trully were dug in on content that far ahead. WoW felt like it had s direction and much much more promise then. At least for me.

What we’re currently getting(Legion with standing) feels like they are picking up development at the last half of the current expansion.

Nobody knows for sure until the release an updated statement or a developer answers.

It’s just a slap in the face for people with faces.

From table top to online, I don’t know of many people in my personal circles that didn’t create some sort of roadmap that they were hoping for their character. In the forms of Race, Class(s), Feats / Talents, Skills / Prof well in advance. The room for growth was watching the character make their way to that end goal, even if it was one story instead of one level at a time.

This character is only 60 and with each level I got to watch her grow. Growth doesn’t have to be earth shattering result after earth shattering result. Even Rome wasn’t built in a day.

People have to realize that there will come a point where the overall story is going to end. No amount of mind numbing grinding is going to change that. You will have those that are diehard players and will blow though whatever content you create. Oh well, it’s their issue if they are just blowing through it.

You create enough content where you are looking at the average player and seeing how much they are playing on average and you figure out how long you wish for that expansion to last based on that average.

Some people will do it faster, and some will do it slower. It’s the nature of the beast.

It doesn’t have to be, but gear can be a good incentive. Just as cosmetic and toys and the like can also be good incentives. It all depends on how creative the people are wanting to be when they design the game.

Having a lack of content and limiting that content behind paywalls / energy bars and the like is a terrible design.

Not playing is, and has always been an option.

Not possible. Any repeatable content gets old. Just keep the reward worth it.

You can change.

I see your frustration OP.

Unfortunately we can’t stop the masses from throwing more money at this limping corpse of a game so all we can do is laugh on as it staggers on into the next expansion.

But who knows maybe the mogs will be decent this expansion, but I will be sincerely annoyed if the Covenant mog is the only significant mog you can get in SLs.

Why? Why would you voluntarily do this to yourself? It’s a video game. Don’t play it!

Its a love hate relationship.

You know they could do a better job but they don’t have to because their Blizzard.

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Okay, this did make me LOL irl, but this doesn’t solve the problem hehe

Legion was a good expansion… until Netherlight. That was the point that the artifact changed from a activity into a “system”.

I agree with OP, the systems stuff isn’t enjoyable.

If they want systems again, make systems that are re-balancers, like the ones in MOP. Work to upgrade your gear… work to re-balance your stats.

They need to build upon cool stuff like flying, mounts, mounted combat etc, those were cool, adding another layer of complexity to the environment.

The new crafting system is cool, it’s players controllable.

But for me, borrowed power, warmode, and shards cheapen PvP.

They weren’t focusing on the right things.

The new art is stellar, I’ve always enjoyed the stories, but they already took away RPG elements.

They lifted the faction locks, they make it easy to name change, and change your identity on a whim.

All there’s left is classes and Enh Shamans > borrowed power.

Now bloody complete my class Blizzard. Quit shilling out for yer stockholders cuz non of us care.

TBC next summer (most likely) - every spec gets to play

You’re only like 3 buttons anyway right? Systems at least make your class semi-enjoyable

Who said that are classes aren’t complete now? Just because we get extra covenant abilities ON TOP of our complete class.

What if there was no covenant abilities. And our classes remained the same. Do we have to have new spells every expansion? Do you want 30 unique spell rotation?

Your feedback choices consist of …

  1. “Complaint” threads in these forums. :white_check_mark:
  2. Unsubbing and filling out the feedback survey.

Only one of these even has a chance of being read by Daddy Blizz (HINT: it’s not choice #1) and that one only has a miniscule chance of being acted upon, and **even then only if ** a few hundred thousand of your closest friends do the same thing. At this point the dev team has shown that the only thing they will listen to is money, as in people not giving it to Blizz because of something in game. And even then they’ll implementthe change as spitefully as possible (Pathfinder when we complained about losing flight, corruptions when we complained about WF/TF, PL trading restrictions, etc ).
That being said, if Blizz did listen to you they would first have to break all the classes into soulless, clunky and totally non-functional shells. Then , and only then, would we be allowed to “play our classes” with no “borrowed power” to actually fix them. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

I think when you get to the point of writing long forum posts about how you dont like the game, It’s probably a sign you should take a break from playing the game.