Can we get some sv packleader buffs?

if i am recalling right currently selecting packleader over sentinel is a whooping 8% dps loss. either scrap shell cover or make it a choice node with den recovery because as is now, shell recovery may be the single worse defensive talent node in the game

  • shell cover is very weak, uncontrollable, and has a massive cooldown
  • no mercy is effective a pointless talent. an extra bite/claw/smack when you use an already low priority button is disappointing
  • ursine fury / envenomed fangs choice is very numerically weak

all 3 of the above need to be changed for pack leader to be competitive


I am having so much fun with Pack Leader, but damn you are 100% correct with everything you said.

Den Recovery NEEDS to come back. Shell Cover is useless.

No Mercy is very meh. Would be great if they made it have Kill Shot make our next MB not cost any focus.

Ursine Fury is very bad. They need to make it have a %10 chance to completely reset the CD on FS.

Envenomed Fangs is decent for burst, but doesnt have enough bang for it to feel good.

I really hope they adjust a few things with it because I really enjoy the playstyle of juggling my beasts.

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