Can we get some of these plunderstorm assets added to our class?

I feel like more of a shaman in plunderstorm than I do in retail. Feels bad.

Wind slice replacing gust of winds would be a huge upgrade to a very lackluster spell.

Storm archon and earth breaker are also both really cool. Not sure how they could incorporate these but would be welcomed additions to the class.


Came here just to post this.

Storm Archon is a must for Shamans


Storm Archon should literally be a Hero Class talent that converts Elemental Blast / Earth Shock into this amazing 3-part spell.

Isn’t storm archon like the worst spell in Plunderstorm? I don’t think anyone has ever killed me using it lol.

But I do have a feeling this new game mode is a testing ground for new class abilities.

Its all a matter of tuning. But from a gameplay and thematic / class-fantasy perspective, it’d be a great spell candidate for Shamans.

For sure. The spells in plunderstorm are super satisfying to use too. I can definitely see some of those spells being given to certain classes. Clearly you can make an argument for how any one of those spells could be given to certain classes.

Make it a choice node with primordial wave lol.

I think multi part skills will become more common in wow for sure.

Agreed. Its a great way to add more flavor without increasing button bloat.

I also think more classes should have access to charged/empowered spells, skillshot spells, and multi-press spells.

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I hope so. Other games have used them for a while now and they work really well.

Exactly. If you’re always going to use 4-5-6 in sequence then just making 4 turn into 5 which then turns into 6 is just so smooth.


So many of the plunderstorm abilities would feel good of ele or enhance shaman. Imagine lava lash given that frontal cone animation from searing axe. Slicing winds, earthbreaker, fire whirl, archon all deserve consideration.

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