Can we get some new *established* class/race combos in 9.1.5/9.2?

Just go human female warrior and you are set for life

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Yeah, the problem is that playable Tauren only come from Thunder Bluff, a society that frowns upon those things. :frowning:

Yeah idk though, that still feels like something that could be easily bent if they wanted to.

Especially since most new characters start in exiles reach now with no backstory given. >.>

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Love all of this.

Like these too, though I’m not as enthused about the Void Elf paladins… I just don’t think it makes sense for the race.

I’d add Tauren Rogue, and I’d love to see Draenei Warlocks someday. A group of “good” warlocks choose to harness the power of fel to protect their people like they see other races of Azeroth do. Have them take up the name Wakeners again like their long forgotten origin.

I also think Worgen should learn to be paladins through the night elves.

Also don’t see why HMT wouldn’t learn paladin from the Sunwalkers if they’re already getting priest for them.

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Yes to the Monk (as they could learn that) but no to the Shaman, because Lightforged have no connections to the elements, unlike their normal brethren.


The Feltotem were wiped out, the only refugees of that tribe were Bloodtotem who didn’t drink the blood. Priest could work though, for the same reason normal Tauren priests work. They could even get Paladins.

Tauren don’t trust the arcane, which is probably why they don’t have mages yet.

Only if Blizzard made void versions of all the paladin abilities. Same spells, just with different names and graphics.

No thanks

I mean, sure, but I feel a few races need updates for class specific aesthetics, male goat people are far too bulky … then again same can be said for male orcs

Yes please that would be awesome

No thanks

Sure why not, but I doubt that werewolves would have the inner Zen to be good monks tbh

No thanks, I’d much prefer eredar skinned warlocks

Yeah could get on board with this but IDK if it lines up with their seafaring, praising of the elements style

Priest yes, warlock definitely not

Vulpera anything should be deleted from the game

Sure why not, but same as werewolves I’m not sure if goblin greed quite lines up with monk-ism


Zandalari prelates fit the paladin vibe far more than a typical kalimdor troll, the classic trolls have no business being paladins tbh but I suppose they could learn it from the zandalari

Yeah could potentially see this

No thanks

Yes please

Absolutely not.

Absolutely not.


Agreed on all fronts. I would also add mechagnome paladin; they could follow the “light of innovation” or some such. I would have argued this would make more sense than mechagnome warlocks. At least this would do something to differentiate themselves from regular gnomes.

Could you have written that in a more cringe way?

I’m not being snarky. I genuinely want to know if you could.

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Yes, please. I would roll a new one or race change my velf rogue or in a heartbeat.

I don’t get it, either. One of my preferred requests for new subraces would be yaungol, who would logically have mages if playable because they were shown having pyromancers on Kun-Lai Summit and the Timeless Isle, but actual tauren mages wouldn’t hurt.

They already have the panthara from Argus as a potential Cat Form. Bear Form I think would just be a draenei-style tentacle bear since there are no alien creatures with the bear skeleton on Outland, Draenor, or Argus. Mount Form would obviously be a talbuk, preferably with options for both the Outland/Draenor and Argus species. Flight Form would be a mana ray, I guess?

This is why I don’t see it happening. The entirety of one class being reskinned and turned into its thematic polar opposite for one specific race doesn’t sound like a realistic expectation. The class designers having to remember to update that subclass along with the main class every time they buff, nerf, or rework the main class sounds like a headache, like in SWTOR where every update to a Republic class also applies to its Empire counterpart, only that game’s been doing it since the beginning, plus the oxymoronic nature of you still being able to wear paladin tier sets (though warriors and DKs mostly can, too) and use the paladin Order Hall. But at this point, I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard going the extra mile for the Alliance again.


Well they’ve already got some abilities already done. There are undead in Icecrown that use spells like Unholy Light, Hammer of Injustice etc. There doesn’t actually have to be much variation done. Some colour adjustments mostly, so that instead of light, it’s using void/unholy colours.

Ultimately the amount of work to get this done is quite minimal, and it would allow these races to get access to the Paladin class while remaining consistent within the lore.

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I would love to see more race/class options opened up. Night elf paladin is the one that’s most important to me.


I just wanna show my support for opening up races to classes, I personally feel like yes the restrictions mattered years ago, but after 17 years of WoW wouldn’t races or cultures progress some how??.

You’d think races would dabble or show interest in other classes over the course of 17 years of progression?, Gnomes have been by Dwarves and Humans since the beginning, I find it very hard to believe that not one would show interest in being a Paladin? Or any other class they restricted from, same goes for all races.

They want WoW to be a living world, character development and all, I’m sure outside NPCs, races would develop and change aswell.


cringe ?? why you so salty ?

I’m not being snarky . I genuinely want to know .

See the thing is, lore should matter for class and race combinations. Things should be unique. It adds to the fantasy.

If everyone can be everything then nothing is special or different.

Another one that I disagree with to this day is Sunwalker Taurens. They should not be paladins, period.

But nah, apparently the light can take on any form for any being and it doesn’t matter if you believe in the power of the sun, same as prelate loas, etc, it’s all the same light power. Absurd.

I also agree with NE mages being dumb, there are alot of silly race/class combos already that break established lore

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This would be terrible, as the Horde having a good Druid race would give me no choice but to faction transfer.

In all seriousness though, yes. Absolutely.

Aside from druid forms, I can’t think of a good reason to not let any race be any class.

Anyone with an ounce of creativity could imagine a lore reason why it would be possible, even if it’s rare.

This sort of arbitrary restriction in a game where making your perfect avatar in an online game is archaic.

Even Dungeons and Dragons doesn’t do this anymore.

I remeber that there was one, back in the day in the mission. Defiling Uther’s tomb you talk to Mehlar Dawnblade. a high elf. in the text after you defile uther’s tomb his ghost appears and says:

Why do you do this? Did I somehow wrong you in life?

Ah, I see it now in your mind. This is the work of one of my former students… Mehlar Dawnblade. It is sad to know that his heart has turned so dark.

Return to him. Return to Mehlor and tell him that I forgive him and that I understand why he believes what he does.

I can only hope that he will see the Light and instead turn his energies to restoring once-beautiful Quel’Thalas

This cofirms that High elves where part at some point of the silver hand, and were even trained by uther and. Mayne others.

What the Blood elves did, is that they formed the blood knights. But there’s presedent for high elves paladins before the blood knights

I would love to see some new race/class combos too.

Orc Priests (this combo has been in the game since vanilla)
Troll Paladin
Tauren Rogue and Mage (with Grimtotem tats)
HMT Paladin and Priest (they worship An’she too)
Goblin Monk

Gnome Shaman and Paladins
Draenei Rogues
Kul Tiran Paladins
Night Elf Paladins
Worgen Monks
LFD Monks

Panda Druids (for God’s sake they have wild gods. Come on now.)

p.s. Forgot to add…

Blizzard already set up some lore for Zandalari Demon Hunters but they abandoned it. They just need to pick it back up. Also, eredar DHs would be perfect. I say give Zandalari and eredar DHs a new starter zone and don’t allow the eredar DHs to have any other skin color except different shades of red and grey.


OP you missed the only one that matters…Druid panda…BEAR BEARS!

I never understood the no rogue Draenei or Tauren. “Oh their hooves would make sounds” man how many hooved animals live in the forest that you don’t know is there until you’re right on top of them? They let Quillboar be rogues and they are all under the Artiodactyla family! That’s even-toed ungulate. Thanks science!

Let the hooves be free to sneak!


Druid pandaren is amazing. But i think that if you recieve a druid, your tank form will be an ox


Yeah that would the most sense.

Tank - Ox
Feral - Tiger
Balance - some sort of dragon form?
Travel - Crane, turtle, moth