Can we get some communication separate from private Discords?

We have some dire information leaking out into the world right now from conversations being had in Discord servers regarding the PTR and upcoming changes. The way the Naxx trinkets will work is potentially game threatening, and it would be nice to see that conversation happen in public on the forums so there can be some proper feedback.


You sound like there’s something super serious happening.

The Naxx trinkets, as we’re being told and how it is looking, are basically an Azerite Power grind. It could very well gut the entire raiding scene. They need to be posting on the forums about this instead of just telling a select few on Discord.

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I’ve been playing SoD since the start and this is singlehandedly killing my hype for Phase 7.

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I do not want that, have you ever seen volkswagon?

Bump. Plz blizz.

Its so funny, we could’ve just been handed naxx and a hardmode with a promise of a scarlet P8 raid and everyone would be happy. Instead they put time into this dumb system with 10 hardmodes that no one wants. I genuinely don’t understand how this stuff even gets approved or who suggested it. Can you imagine the (5?) devs having a meeting and one of them says hey guys, lets give everyone 300% dmg and put 10 hardmodes in naxx. Its almost meme worthy.

yeah Id really like to see Zirene respong to the insane amount of negative feedback on this new sactified system.