Can we get real vanilla servers please?

  1. dungeons and raids in their un-nerfed state so MC doesn’t get cleared on the first week.

  2. BG’s in their un-nerfed state so we can actually pvp and have more then one viable option to rank up.

  3. Vanilla like population caps so faction balance doesn’t become a server killing issue and so i can farm herbs at some other time then 2-4 in the morning!!!

  4. no layering so people can’t exploit it to hell and back to: cheese pvp encounters, get world firsts, get rare crafting mats and reset raids and dungeons for easy loot.

  5. Actually stick to the bloody schedule for content so every one doesn’t bugger off to DM for several weeks before i can get my pre-raid BIS!


Too late to un-ring that bell, I’m afraid.

Pretty sure it’s because players aren’t noobs anymore and have MOUNTAINS OF ENDLESS guides and min/max strategies to clear MC. Watch BWL be cleared the first hour of release :stuck_out_tongue:

hit it and quit it
avoid that exploitation

real vanilla player know classic , is really not vanilla and this version is a total mess full of bug because this version is a downgrade of retail