Think itd be great for those of us that want to experience that again but who dont want to mess with “Classic”
Some of those pre cata graphics are pretty dated and would clash horribly with the textures we have now.
I get it’s nice having the option, but it sounds like quite the endeavor for Blizzard.
I would like to have this option as well.
From a technical perspective, the bulk of the work has been done already thanks to the existence of Classic. They just need to put original EK + Kalimdor on new map IDs.
Only if they inexplicably decided to update graphics. Not really a reason to
Take it from someone who actually codes.
What you want to have done would be insane for Blizzard to implement. For one they don’t have a lot of that code in retail.
It’s not like Mop, cata, wolk etc. Those things are still in the game. When cataclysm hit they literally removed code, quests, old graphics, npcs, world textures pre destroyed, old org/sw etc etc etc.
You’d need to port the old code from the classic servers, then you have to account for how all those lines of code could cause other things to bug.
It’s not a copy and paste job.
That code is in Classic. But you are correct that it is too much to have two different versions in one with different maps and all.
As someone who also actually codes… uh, nonsense? They have the code available this literal second on classic…
Please read the rest of their post and understand the mapping differences and many other issues.
Yup, as I mention further down
You’re a bad coder if you think that wouldn’t be a nightmare to implement.
Just be honest and admit you don’t code to save face. There’s no shame in making an ignorant post.
Still wrong. They have that same system in place in many other zones already. So again, nonsense.
Oooooh just a troll trying to pick fights on the internet. Thats very sad for and your alt. Buh bye.

Yup, as I mention further down
Yes, I know. I should have left that out. My apologies.
Or double down.
Nevermind, you champion this cause.
Best of luck! I’m outta here.

Still wrong.
How are entirely different maps incorrect? How are entirely different layouts of land incorrect?
How are entirely different versions incorrect?
He was just some ignorant kid that made a dumb post. Don’t pay it much mind.
I think its really sad when yall have conversations with your classic alts.
I do not even know that person. You have problems.
aight bet
Your toxic behavior and terrible attitude do not earn you any respect or any reason to ever listen to anything you say. I will no longer bump your thread or listen to or support any idea you ever have with how disrespectful and belligerent you are. Good day.
I genuinely dont know what you think trolling on alt accounts will accomplish here and I genuinely dont care either. Have a nice day
You literally think they just had a conversation where one made a mistake, the other corrected them. One time their posts were within SECONDS of each other. Just to gang up on your idea?
How old are you? Twelve?