Can we get permanent wrath classic and bc era servers?

Still waiting blizzard. Give us permanent bc era and wrath era servers.


Second this.

People are so very hungry for BC and permanent BC servers. A new thread of “BC servers please!” popped up (before Anniversary realms launched) every few days with minimums of 50 likes to 300 likes.

There’s no reason to not have permanent BC and permanent WotLK servers. They can and will work.


Yes please. And HC versions of both too!


What OP said. I’m ready to play TBC and only TBC


I’m honestly surprised this wasn’t the plan all along. I figured they would just have Classic, BC, Wrath servers and you could transfer your max level characters to continue on throughout the expansions, or make a new character and level within those expansions.

It doesn’t make any sense to me that this doesn’t already exist.

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Yeah you’d think it’d be the easiest W for making money. At least 1 permanent TBC and Wrath server. And yet somehow we ended up with SOD lol.


7 different versions of classic. Zero versions of bc or wrath. So stupid in my op. Like I just want a permanent wrath classic era server and permanent bc era server. That’s it. Everything else is perfect.


I know this thread is old but I agree. I thought the point of re-releasing classic was to allow people to stay playing the era they want to, I mean I thought the reason they brought back classic wow was to bring back people from private servers.


very good job finding this post… this really highlights how long weve been asking for tbc and wotlk era servers

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