Can we get more LGBT couples in game?

Same reason support of blm is eroding extremely quick. for a movement to succeed you need to win the hearts and minds of people. not burn down cities, not attack innocent bystanders, not destroy stores, and not ruin people’s dinners.

Lets not forget the leftist utopia that was the the CHAZ zone… Segregation and shootings… Just like every major city.


The violence and vandalism and arson have mostly been bored rich white kids coopting the movement. It’s recorded, the videos are everywhere. A lot of it are also instigators. “Boogaloo” boys looking to start a civil war, starting fight and doing what instigators do. Literal off-duty cops lighting fires (this has been proven, people have been charged).

Meanwhile, BLM protesters, laying on the ground reenacting what happened to George Floyd get pepper gased and shot in the face with rubber bullets.

You have fallen for the propaganda, and are not listening to the people.

Most people supporting BLM are supporting the idea behind it. That Black Lives Matter, and the racist attacks and police brutality (of all people) needs to stop.

A hashtag can not express the ideas of an entire movement fully.

Yes the people ruining dinners were white… Oops they weren’t. But it’s okay to throw fireworks at officers.

Woooooow so much destruction.

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Of course there are people of all colors causing problems. You’re literally focusing on ONLY the black ones. That’s the racism.

Its just buildings. I don’t care

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But you just stated it was only white people. Isn’t that racist?

You’re response to people saying “Stop letting cops murder black people” is to show some ply-wood on some buildings?

… K bye I knew I shouldn’t have started with you.

Because the insides have been ransacked and looted?

Show me where i said that.

Literally what? No I did not.

This is not that. Please learn to read.

Why? Why does it matter?

I mean I didn’t say you said anything. I said you posted a video.

Seriously, this is why you fall for the racism - you can’t even read.

I care more about the people that were harmed by police than some stupid buildings. You can rebuild those. Once a human life is gone you can’t get it back.

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But you just said I said that so now you’re a disingenuous liar. I wouldn’t expect a leftist to be truthful anyway.

When does businesses move out they’re going to have a lot less places to shop.

oh my goooooood why must simply existing and wanting media a politicaaaaaaaaaaaaal thing


What!? I said your response was to show a video… What are you even talking about lmao gurl by this is dumb I don’t have time to teach you to read.

I also don’t care about that so nice try

I guess because you are a racist, bigot, homophobe if you don’t care or something like that :roll_eyes:

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