Can we get more LGBT couples in game?

I see. We may have something in common that is unfortunate. Believe me I’m sorry.

And you’re okay I just had to try and put a full stop once that word came up

You’re good

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I don’t get shippers.

Aviela isn’t genuine.

As for shipping. Greek History could easily be boiled down to

Errybody wanted Zeus to sleep with their ocs so to speak

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And is on the rise again thanks to right wing extremest like Q-cultists.

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Not assuming someones sexuality in real life is all well and good and I support it. For FICTIONAL characters I think there should be a different standard. Going “oh my world is filled with gay characters but you will never know about them/I wont actually write about them” is tokenism to the extreme not to mention doesnt actually add anything to the narrative.


Friendly? Blizz pretended that gay people didn’t exist until like 2 months ago.

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Friendly reminder to folks that aviela constantly makes “teehee i sure hope nothing bad happens when i mention gay people” threads then peaces out


It’s fine. It’s just an especially touchy subject right now because there are people who are attempting to pair the LGBTQIA community with them in an attempt to actively harm us.

To be clear, I don’t care if you wanna call it alphabet soup or w/e but the P is not part of it. (That’s not at you Drac but other people lol)

^^ Blizzard has a long history of homophobia!

I remember when one of the developers posted a video using a homophobic slur.

I also remember when Blizzard would ban guilds focused on making gay communities and ban any conversation about gay content.

Edit: It was the lead singer for Cannibal Corpse describing an opposing faction and was on stage with Sam Didier. I think was like Blizzcon 2011 or something.

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??? I don’t remember that.

( or are you joking and I’m just missing it? )



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They’re joking.

Thiernax and Qadarin are in Shadowlands. So they exist.

Was it one of the Devs or was it at Blizzcon when the musical guest called Alliance the F word?

Am I?



Corpsegrinder. Their musical guest who preeumably played WoW.

Edit: guess I had the name wrong. Oh well.


I mean sure they had history but at least they’re getting better.

No, y’all that support that are sick. The dragon is a kid.


I doubt dragons follow the same rules.

Now if he were like 1000 years old and still looked like a child. THATS bad