Can we get gear system surveys?

Maybe, but what’s the motivation to change it? You’re suggesting doing something that’s going to cost money. From the perspective of Blizzard, what is the motivation to do what you’re suggesting?

Youre asking a question thats answered by the topic post.

Not necessarily. How much better is the feedback going to be from the expensive survey than it is by having an unpaid (or underpaid) intern compile from GD/Reddit/Twitter? Probably not enough to be worth it.

That is not due diligence with servicing public opinion.

It is on par for Blizz to not do anything and ignore problems for years until it is too late and festered to the point of people leaving though. I will give you that.

Unsurprisingly, you’re receiving the same kind of contrarian pushback the original post alludes to.

It’s obviously up to Blizzard to decide if a survey is worthwhile, but suggesting there be a survey on x topic isn’t categorically a terrible idea.

They have a history of sending surveys for their games from time to time, so people here giving you the “it’s too expensive, it’s not worth it” replies are just being contrarian and argumentative out of some knee jerk reaction to someone suggesting a deviation from the status quo.

I’m not sure why anyone would be so invested in arguing against having a survey about some in-game topic.

If Blizzard does it, cool. Fill it out if you get one, or don’t. If they don’t do a survey, cool. Their decision.


The game isn’t going to change for you, man.


Blizz has no obligation for this, and there’s not really any reason to assume that anyone with a brain couldn’t build a simple list of requests from the current available feedback paths.

There’s nothing really that complex about gear that they’d need a survey.
You do harder content you get better gear.
There are some nuances but really that’s then their job to make it make sense.

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It’s a forum. People discuss things.

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And you don’t see the irony when saying this


I’m a proud member of both of these groups.

Yes, I get this, but again, Blizzard has a history of sending surveys for their games. I’ve filled out a half dozen of them.

So for people to suggest here that “it’s too expensive” or “it’s a waste of time” etc, they are not “discussing” anything.


OP just wants raid lockouts and the vault removed, which is never going to happen. The surveys that Blizzard sends out are a lot more general than that.


Most people here just want to poison the well and report opinions they dislike away. Strong “send them to the cornfield” vibes. Surveys would bypass their option to do that and would be upsetting.

Open internet surveys are useless, since they can be mobbed. There are certainly ways that survey samples can be designed to get information from actual customers.

For instance, they can send out emails to customers, random or targeted based on their achievements or some other criteria, then give them a screening survey to determine whether their playstyle is relevant to researching the topic at hand. Using this data they can give them a current topic survey or put them into a reserve file for future surveys.

This is how real research surveys are done. And in fact I know they do this, because some months ago I got an email asking me to join a survey database followed by a specific survey on some topic I don’t remember.


I disagree that this behavior makes the forums worthless for input, because sometimes it forces a degree of specificity in people’s back and forth arguments that might not come out initially.

But I also agree that obvious contrarian argumentative knee jerk reactionary posters who are not discussing in good faith are annoying to talk to.

They can be wildly frustrating, nitpicking every last detail and word choice, missing the forest for the trees, or quoting 5 words out of multiple paragraphs, stripping away any and all context from what was said, and replying with a hostile posture.

And they’re usually very general, only to small groups, or posted somewhere that most people won’t see and can be spammed by every alt on an account.

Meanwhile there’s a ton of extremely detailed feedback available in various threads and platforms that blizz already has free access to.

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Posting in a Meow thread.


You seem pretty feisty tho.

No I’m just kidding.

Seriously tho you should just trust that 1) Blizzard does in fact read the forums and more importantly, 2) They are adults who know how to read the posts correctly. The forums is a great place for feedback, everything is discussed. Threads do take a left turn but I have faith they can see through the noise. Or is that hear thru it? :thinking:

Oh, did I bite down on a hook?