Can we get Female satyr? Broken? etc and male Shivarra/Harpies etc

I really don’t think it’ll hurt the legacy of this mythical creature by having a female counterpart,in essence, the name for them could still be satyr wither it refers to a female (satyress )of a species.

I doubt they would complain if Blizzard implemented a “Bee King” and gavve it basically the same features as a bee queen.

Nah,the true satyr( whatever name they can dream up to fit the story) will always be the top guy like a wild god in a way just the subject would be satyr -satyress out of respectful.

Just a reminder, for it has been popping in and out throughout the discussion:

Satyrs in WoW have that name, but they belong to the whole Celtic/Irish kind of Nature Spirits, not the Greek one. As the whole druids and stuff comes from the First Hand tradition, not its biased and flawed account by the greek and romans.

So the Satyr receive its name from the form it has, but the whole lore behind them comes from the whole Cenarius thing which comes from another place:

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there’s already female satyrs in game that use male models…

It seems to be exactly what he said …

seeing as the male model was used as a placeholder, no, no it does not.


No, because were no longer in a demon expansion.

I do not understand what that has to do with fixing the Priestess’s model in Legion and making some of the NPC Satyrs into females.

Because thats a waste of development time. We need that time into new content to make the game better, not give a forgotten enemy npc a reskin.

But the model exists in WC3R. And if it does not port over, they could use a fae model.

I do not see what the art team has to do with gameplay development team.

That doesn’t make sense ,since we’ll have to return to Azeroth and those enemies could be more of a problem than we think.

No not really, they were legion/outland related and that’s long taken care of. Sargeras is imprisoned in space, Illidan is he’s warden. There’s nothing demon-related anymore since the demons have gone their own ways and all future enemies are cosmic-related.

Uh…no thanks. WC3 dated models do not belong in WoW. Also, the models are different. WC3 models are top-down aimed, not 3-d designed like in MMOs since WC3 is essentially a moba.

Pretty cool

So you are saying there are none on Azeroth at all are you so sure that these were truly wiped out and that demons wouldn’t return ,I highly doubt they’ll leave considering the dreadlords are still out there.

Yes, lore-wise most are gone. A few imps and succubus here and there(imp on island exp and succubus in Zandalari)…nothing special. On the note of dreadlords, they worked with that revendreth dude, and were never truly loyal to the Legion itself. They may even be working with the jailer himself and are just known to be very intelligent in general, more then the average demon who followed Sargeras.

And yet, there are still some in Kalimdor today, were you referring to a organized faction of some sort if so you are right. Still this doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be in some fashion any influence from them in the future.

But old zones aren’t updated. There’s satyrs everywhere that demon related stuff happened een tho the game events wiped them out via the hero player.

everyone asking for equality never asks for male harpies…

Azeroth would be a very different place if it were indeed up-to date and very lonely one to venture through because nothing would be left for us.