Can we get Dragoons in WoW, please?

This is a completely fair point of View, actually.
I get that you want to distinguish why the ability to use this technology is special. It would certainly make the Class seem like it is a cut above your Average Engineer in the WarCraft Universe.
This would clearly set in stone that the Player Character “Tinker” is specifically gifted, making it feel like a justifiable class, and not something anyone could do.

At that point Keldar, My only point to argue is that I don’t think the Protoss / First One’s aesthetic blends with Warcraft super well. (Even If I really Like it)

Perhaps this same Idea could be acomplished with something like Azerite infused Technology. Lacing all of their Explosions with that nice Blue and Gold effect from BFA.

We kept the Pandaren aesthetic with Monk, even though the initial artstyle of that expansion was panned at release. It’s not that it wasn’t a great artstyle - it was simply that many (myself included) felt that it belonged to a different franchise.

Yet, here we are.

The exact same thing applies to this First Ones stuff. I may not be 100% on board with the story, but I respect the art game. Just as I have come to respect that people that actually like Pandaren and Monks exist, and that they may find those elements just as core to the WarCraft franchise as I find Orcs and Shamans.

naw, thats metagross

Shiny! I’ll still take it.