Can we get Cheat Death fixed so that it actually works?

I think OP is annoyed because penance damage was not reduced by the 85% wall. Likely because the penance was mid-channel when cheat death procced, but there is nothing in the cheat death description that says mid-channel spells still get full damage. The tick that killed him “should have” done only 4.5k~ damage, which would keep him alive a bit longer.

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That’s just how all damage reductions work.

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Maybe it’s animation lag, I feel his pain as often die through turtle!

Pretty sure people care, my dude. Don’t say “nobody” as if the internet magically agrees with you just because you think it should.

Cheat death has always procced 100% of the time I’ve tried to go for the kill.

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You can clearly see in the screenshot I posted that after cheat proc’d penance hit for the same amount it hit for before cheat proc’d. I didn’t get the wall. That’s not proper functioning of the talent. Also with how unreliable cheat is I’m still not completely convinced it’s actually better than improved feint into a lot of match ups. But you’re right, if it’s not one thing it’s another. People will constantly complain about rogues unless they can kill one in the opener every game. I’ve tuned it out.

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There’s plenty of bugs outside of cheat death. It’s something you just kind of have to accept happens sometimes.

Rogues are one of the, if not the squishiest classes in the game. We get 1 defensive every 2m that does nothing against melee and another every 2m that does nothing against casters. That’s the reason behind the famous hit and run playstyle. The reason you’re having a hard time killing us is because we tend to play with classes that are exceptional at peeling such as mages and warlocks. And to that there’s 2 points to make:

  1. That’s a mage/warlock problem, not a rogue problem, if it’s a problem at all
  2. Every class plays a comp that mitigates their weaknesses. That’s what it means for something to be a “good comp” for a given class.

That’s an interesting take.


I believe channeled spells are treated the same as damage over time. That is, any ticks that happen when the wall is active will be reduced. Penance however, is a channel with projectile travel time. Once a spell is cast and the projectile is in the air, the damage is already calculated. Damage reductions after the spell is cast will have no impact, though the reverse is also true in that if your wall fades while it is in the air, you will still have its damage reduction when the ability finally lands.

So what likely happened is that cheat death triggered after the penance ticked and fired the projectile.

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In the moments where their keyboard randomly disconnects, sure


Yeah the channel part is not relevant. The penance bolt already launched before cheat death proc is what matters. A subsequent bolt launched after the proc would be reduced even if it was part of the same channel.

I did notice that in this death log that even if the bolt was reduced it would have killed him. At first I thought he had 30k hp, but that is just cheat death negating the Immutable Hatred damage. He actually had 1.6k hp when cheat death procced since the 30.6k penance bolt overkilled by 29k. Basically it is not gonna do much if the rogue is very close to 0 hp when it procs.

I also wonder why they can’t or won’t make mid-air projectiles affected by damage reductions or defensives like aspect of the turtle. It would make more intuivite sense, and I’m pretty sure immunities like paladin bubble, cyclone and time stop do affect mid-air projectiles.

It’s because turtle isn’t coded as an immunity.

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Hey OP I am going to try and save you some heartache since I think you’re the same guy from the Ravenholdt PVP disc channel.

  1. Everyone hates rogues- you won’t find sympathy for any issues related to our class or specs.
  2. Cheat death is likely working as intended. It’s never been an immunity and has always been a “hey you probably won’t die for a few seconds but hey you also might” type of ability because of how it reduces and mitigates damage but doesn’t immune it. In addition, see point 1.
  3. Rogues as a class aren’t necessarily squishy but assassination is definitely the squishiest of the rogue specs. In addition, see point 1.
  4. Having said all of this, I think your concerns in the abstract- that, in PVP, cheat death is kind of a trolly ability that should work more clearly (or imo be removed altogether and replaced with some other passive defensive)- are valid. In addition, see point 1.

I’m not sure if it matters this patch cuz everyone is op, you sure it’s not a bleed that finishes u off afterword’s? it really is that easy.

thinking about all of the games vs. rogue teams I would’ve won if cheat death didn’t exist

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I found this annotation x3 to be funny.

Thank you Slumwizard.

I appreciate you trying to help someone on the forums, seriously I do, but this is a troll thread.

Rogues want more???