Can we get books for our new homes please?

I’m really holding out for the collection of lorebooks with the new player housing. I know half the fun is discovering them, but personally it would be so nice to have a centralized in-game location to reread all the books you’ve found and picked up. You could watch your bookshelves slowly fill up with every book read. Small libraries would make so much sense for Mages, Paladins, and such. What do you think?


I actually liked that they did something like this in MoP with the Seat of Knowledge. When you found all of the lore books or tablets of a set and handed in the quest to Lorewalker Cho, you could go to a bookshelf and read those lore books in full. Or talk to Cho and get a visual story about them instead.

There is an addon called Lorekeeper that does what you are proposing though. In terms of the record keeping but not the ‘you can interact with it in game’.


Much less so for Hunters, Warriors, and Shamans. I’m desperately hoping that we don’t get a one size fits all for housing.

Vulpera for instance should have their homes in a wandering caravan like the Aayang Caravan in the Dragon Isles.

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It would make sense to theme housing to either race or class. Maybe even both if it used a format similar to garrison upgrades where you tailor it to your character’s needs, albeit more streamlined.