Can we get better rewards for Mark of Mastery/KSM/etc?

That rhino mount is absolutely hideous and each season just changes in color? Please give us something better than that.

Toss a dragon skin at 3k or something.

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They should move the rewards to KSH, then it would justify something better. They can adjust the rewards upwards from there.

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No thanks, thats toxic. No reason to put such a good reward at 3k which is impossible for most.

You mean like how there’s a reward for CE?

It’s just parity, not toxic.

Should be 3.5k or something really.

Gladiator also has a skin or mount w/e.

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Oh you mean DF KSM mount reward? Yea it was kind of bleh. Damn thing doesn’t even fly.

Have a link to it?

Next seasons ksm is a pretty good looking flying stone mech suit.

Seems pretty good to me.

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The model is cool but how I wish they’d get over these bland monochrome muted color schemes.

The reward for CE remains at 1% after expansion. M+ doesnt.

And why would parity be a bad thing?

Don’t worry, the best colours will be in the later seasons since they use the same mount, different skin. Season 1 KSM mounts have been the worst ones the last 2 expansions.

Because PVE is diff from PVP. No reason to punish those who can’t get to 3k.

Raiding is also pve.

I haven’t raided for a while, isn’t there a mount for AotC that would be equivalent to a mount for KSM? But I think it would be fine for KSH or higher to get a different mount too or some fancy tmog.

Usually not.

It’s very rare for there to be one.

Oh, huh. I guess the last time I did AotC was nyalotha which had that purple dragon as a reward.

And? yes we lose the AOTC mount but thats VERY easy to get over time. Thats it.

Gratz OP , for putting the time ,effort and dealing with groups 8 times a week for three months , here is a ground mount :stuck_out_tongue: