That rhino mount is absolutely hideous and each season just changes in color? Please give us something better than that.
Toss a dragon skin at 3k or something.
They should move the rewards to KSH, then it would justify something better. They can adjust the rewards upwards from there.
No thanks, thats toxic. No reason to put such a good reward at 3k which is impossible for most.
You mean like how there’s a reward for CE?
It’s just parity, not toxic.
Should be 3.5k or something really.
Gladiator also has a skin or mount w/e.
Oh you mean DF KSM mount reward? Yea it was kind of bleh. Damn thing doesn’t even fly.
Have a link to it?
Next seasons ksm is a pretty good looking flying stone mech suit.
Seems pretty good to me.
The model is cool but how I wish they’d get over these bland monochrome muted color schemes.
The reward for CE remains at 1% after expansion. M+ doesnt.
And why would parity be a bad thing?
Don’t worry, the best colours will be in the later seasons since they use the same mount, different skin. Season 1 KSM mounts have been the worst ones the last 2 expansions.
Because PVE is diff from PVP. No reason to punish those who can’t get to 3k.
Raiding is also pve.
I haven’t raided for a while, isn’t there a mount for AotC that would be equivalent to a mount for KSM? But I think it would be fine for KSH or higher to get a different mount too or some fancy tmog.
Usually not.
It’s very rare for there to be one.
Oh, huh. I guess the last time I did AotC was nyalotha which had that purple dragon as a reward.
And? yes we lose the AOTC mount but thats VERY easy to get over time. Thats it.
Gratz OP , for putting the time ,effort and dealing with groups 8 times a week for three months , here is a ground mount