Can we get at least a sorry

If they crush the dream, and build a dream-park in its place…

Did they do you a favor?

So because you get 10 chars the launch was done right? The ques of 18k with no where to go because all severs are full. They knew all severs were full, i even knew cuz i was watching them all day. I havent been stuck in a queue yet so this is not for me.

I wasnt in any queue. And i made one character, not 10?

Yes 18k queues that are aviodable is my dream

They are avoidable.

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Guess you weren’t at the WoD launch, it got so bad servers were just down for the night, you were to expect 4 hour queues even five days after.


I was not there for WoD, so I can’t speak to that.

Walking my cat is never boring!

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We are brothers, in this.

They 100% needed more servers before launch, I can’t believe they launched with so few servers. It was just ridiculous.

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100% agree. People had entire guilds and plethora of friends set on specific servers that were only available beforehand. To add 10+ servers AFTER launch and try to splinter everyone up AFTER plans and grinds have already been done is just ridiculous and embarrassing.

They should definitely be giving people free game time to make up for this and even then, that wouldn’t fix the problem.

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here it is tomorrow still cant get on 19 hour queue times yesterday and today I’ve been in queue since 8 am its 1:12 pm with 1164 ahead of me… after 15 years blizzard should have known better and planned better… I’ve been playing for 15 years and never had queue times this bad.

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I expected login queues like any reasonable person, but these are orders of magnitude higher than what you’re talking about and that’s not remotely close to being an ignorable detail.

Honestly, I don’t even think I sat in a queue to play BFA. Shame they’re not giving this the same attention as they gave that dumpster fire of an expansion


Yeah, so what if you start over?

Unless you were level 20 or higher, starting over would be absolutely easy. Especially because you can choose a different race or class to see if you like something else even more.

No one owes you anything.

Hope you love your queues.

Actually, I have yet to run into a long queue. Zero problems between yesterday and today. Then again, I’m not on Whitemane or any of the larger than God servers.

Your laziness is your downfall.

Aye, it is. I’m loving this stuff right now. I’m in queue watching a movie, planning my next move when I log in. This is what I missed about Vanilla. The want!

There is a bunch of things’s your posting that need to be adressed

  • First, Blizzard doesn’t have infinite resources; servers cost money to maintain and for what is frankly a niche market that is likely to diminish fairly quickly (I doubt that the servers will remain this flooded for the next two months) it makes little sense to allocate too many resources to the problem.
  • Second, one of the most common complaints about retail is that many servers feel barren due to sheer volume, Phasing, and the multi server LFR system. Having less servers actively promotes player interaction because you are forced to work together.

Like, this is the situation that players were actively screaming for for years whether they realized it or not.

This is your punishment for making them launch Classic. Remember, the CEO said that you don’t want it…now you are getting it.

i dont work in the industry if you dont like the ques play retail.