Can we get account wide ignore?

well let’s take a look at this from an objective perspective, yes?

so the btag thread creator, made a thread of 10,000 posts… it gets removed and then complains about it on the CS forums… obviously CS knew that if they didn’t say something to appease this person, then that person would just keep making threads.

Link to said thread?

That is ALL just hypothetical on your part.

So, to be clear, you are making that up.

You are, again, making fictional and false statements.


What’s wrong Doobly. You’re sweating a lot.

at least they’ve backed down from it being ALL of the alts. and they’re not including the magical ability to find out what groups they’re in too

yeah it doesn’t seem to be that big of a problem, honestly.

nothing is wrong, i just shared the correct factual statement with you.
is there something i can help you with?

you are free to believe that if u choose

My point is that if you spend a lot of time being a troll on the forums use a ton of alts to derail and delete topics. And someone finds you out and people mass ignore you for it.

Thats just karma dude. Sorry. :expressionless:


My experience has been that THIS topic causes most of the disruption on the forum.
Those T troll things only happen once or maybe twice in a year.
This topic has has over a dozen thread 404/locks this year alone.

it doesn’t really bother me if people ignore me… as a matter of fact, i wouldn’t mind if you ignored me as well.

i shared my facts with you and that’s all i really need to say to you.

have a lovely evening :slight_smile:

You did not give any facts.

You made things up to try and confuse the issue.

Stop it.


it is a free country, my wonderful friend :slight_smile:
you are allowed to believe whatever you politely decide to believe

I am well aware of that.

I am also well aware that what you are posting is unsubstantiated.

good, i am very glad we had this discussion… thank you so very much for sharing, i really appreciate it.

now, i am going to politely tell you that i disagree with you, but thats ok… disagreements happen and its perfectly fine… you had the incorrect answer and i helped to correct you… but that’s no problem, friend. you learned a great lesson here today and i am so happy for you :slight_smile:

Well, that was easy. Too easy…

easy to ignore someone? yeah the current system is done quite well

Again, you are making things up and refusing to provide facts for your claims.

You are making this up right here. You did not correct me on anything, nor did you help me on anything.

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I didn’t put you on ignore.

i did, i was completely polite when i helped you to see the correct answer…

but i believe you are having a rude tone, so i am going to politely tell you that i am putting you on my ignore list.

im glad we had this chat but its time for the chat to end… have a lovely evening :slight_smile: