Can we get account wide ignore?

Yes because blocking people on the forums Obviously has a direct inverse relationship to whether or not that weekly vault is going to give you what you want.


She chooses the game as most important. In that case, why does she care if the forums get account wide ignores or not? It doesn’t effect the game at all.



my imaginary non existent Trust Level 3 post showing that ElDorado scene where they say both is good

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so it is quite obvious that the diablo forums would benefit from an individual character posting system in the same way that the wow forums benefit from it:

  1. class discussion and changes
  2. roleplaying
  3. showing off transmog and discussion regarding that.

if it were so simple to simply change between the two systems or have them both exist simultaneously, we would have seen that happen on the diablo forums already, so it very likely won’t work for the wow forums as well.


Red herring argument.


ok so please tell me what part of my post is incorrect?

  1. diablo now has transmog, when it didn’t before
  2. diablo has different classes, same as wow

So once again, in which way does ignoring a persons account stop any player from doing any of those things which you mentioned? All these “argument’s” that you produce do not actually convey a meaningful way that a Player is hindered from using the forums because a few people placed them on ignore.

And I can only speak for myself here. But from my opinion. You are purposely acting obtuse and not actually taking the discussion seriously. If you have any serious talking points. I have no doubt if not one but multiple people will be happy to address them point by point.


It is not a matter of correctness, but rather of relevance. The matter of the Diablo forums is not relevant to this discussion, thus a red herring.


but many people on this topic have said things like “oh well all of other blizzard forums use account identifiers” and thus use that as an excuse that it should be used on the wow forums too.

how is my comparison any different from theirs?

You would be able to do all of those things even with the existance of account wide ignore.

Also, since you keep bringing up Roleplaying, I would ask you OOC: Are you RPing right now, and do you understand that this isn’t the RP forum?


I’m just waiting for the vague posting about how this is a vicious war between two supposedly diametrically opposed sides with no hopes of ever reaching a compromise and that it will rage on forever until the sun sets… or something like that.

Madelke and Ardmccloud are just angry because the anonymous posting thread got shut down again (for the 3rd? 4th? time). And since several people who are for account-wide ignores were in those threads against anonymous posting, they’re here to try and derail this thread.


Counterpoint regarding the Diablo forums: Your interactions ingame are all shown as a battletag without the discriminator tag (the portion starting and including the # symbol). It thus makes some sense to bind to account rather than character, as the character name is more for your side ingame than anything.


well first you said

secondly, no you do have character names in diablo.

Does that mean we break out the foam pitchforks and nerf guns if that is declared?

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Nah, I couldn’t bring myself to get worked up over this stuff lol, I always think it’s funny when the fox starts being overly dramatic about it though.

Like if I could roll my eyes any harder they’d get stuck

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An entrapment argument, I see. I conclude that this discussion is not in good faith.


Considering they think their character is personal information, I think they might actually believe they ARE their character.

For the record, the RP forum is that way :point_right:

I posted a really nice story there the other day, feel free to check it out when you go :slight_smile: