Can we get account wide ignore?

most can’t handle real mexican food myself included

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Aw, I wish I could send you some. I have an EXCELLENT taqueria a block from me.


By the time it got here, it wouldn’t even be edible.

Oh well, I still got Maccas fake cheeseburgers, right?

So many lovely food trucks and restaurants around here, spoiled for tacos and pollo loco :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I would also like to be spoiled with account wide QoL and Btags please and thank you


They need to rename Taco Bell to Who wants to be in the restroom?

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My only condolences to them is they have to sift through nonsensical reports because X can’t handle Y’s opinion instead of actual nasty posts that probably get looked over.

But it is not common enough to go ahead and make immediate changes. You can not possibly hold on to some old year old post that didn’t say much but wishes, not promises.

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Give me cow tongue tacos extra spicy.

Also can’t sleep

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Pretty sure they already made the comment that being wrong does not count as trolling. But it is silly if you are trying to scold players in here by making a false narrative while players are giving objectively wrong info and being called out on it.

Also we don’t need to know battle tags, it’s a useless piece of information that no one can do anything with, we just want account wide ignores to work on the forums like how they do in the game.


That is the plan and exactly what I’ll do if account wide ignores become a thing, I won’t say controversial things as much if that happens, I’ll just say things that are socially acceptable.

Which is not acceptance, but rejection

But I’d have no friends if I lived like that, but my personal situation is irrelevant, we all have to behave ourselves in different social situations,

On the broader issue though my opinion is if we make account wide ignores a thing, problem is if you give an inch people take a mile, where will it end, the next step beyond account wide ignores could lead to people calling out your alts just like people used to do ALL the time to me on the old forum before this one,

I hated that, best thing this forum had was making it so you could switch to an alt so people can’t find out who you are easily not unless you out yourself,

I know I won’t make that mistake again in future if you guys win the argument


Probably better to place them on ignore. You’ll be going around in circles. Let them believe anything they want, in the end, they know they are wrong.


Mkay. Stay mad, bro.

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If you’re that ashamed of your likes and dislikes or your own opinions, then clearly some self-reflection is in order.

“I’d have no friends if people knew the real me” sets off all sorts of red flags.


So, now we’re up to making new throwaway emails, and making new Bnets.

How dedicated are people to trolling? Have you made a new Bnet lately? It’s oppressive. The captchas alone are an undertaking, and if you time out at any point in the process you have to start again with like TWENTY dice math problems with ten options that you need to scroll through each.

I haven’t signed up for a new Gmail anytime recently, but that’s another time sink I’m sure.

And then like twenty, thirty minutes of work is undone with a single click of “Do not accept and block” that takes half a second.

Anyone willing to be that dedicated to being a minor annoyance is an edge case of an edge case. Like people willing to make whole new accounts and pay at least another $15 just to keep posting on the forums and troll people, few people are that unhinged.



Just realized, that paladin is familiar. Someone I had on ignore, a knucklehead undead. More proof we need an account wide ignore


That sounds like you’re either just irrationally scared to be yourself or that your actions are so bad/annoying that people don’t want to interact with you.

If it’s option 1, Kent is right. You need to talk to someone about this fear because it is irrational. I’ve been there. More than half of my life, I’ve been terrified of interacting with others for fear of being rejected. I truly believed no one would like me.

That’s a self-esteem issue that needs to be worked on. No one else can do it but you.

If it’s option 2, then again, you need to do some self-reflection. Figure out what part of you is putting people off and, if it’s a bad thing, fix it.

The thing is, not everyone is going to like you. You’re not going to get along with everyone, that’s impossible and you’ll drive yourself nuts if you try. Not everyone will be your friend. Not everyone will like you.

That’s a fact you have to live with.

I hope you get the help you need. Hiding from people and putting on a facade is no way to live. Trust me, I’ve been there, done that.

People will never like you if you’re not honest, with yourself and with others.


I’m sorry that you feel that way, but even the worst people in the world can have friends. If you believe that you can’t have friends because of your opinions, it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you feel the need to hide, you might want to take a look around or take some time to consider why you would feel the need to hide. So far, the only people who have been called out for posting on an alt has usually been because they were causing a lot of problems and friction on purpose.

I’m pretty sure if the source of the problem is how people react to you, may need to reflect on that. If someone says or does something awful and people react negatively, if the response is to hide or blame others then that might be a sign that therapy or counseling may be required, something that video game forums cannot provide.

As they said above, saying “Friends left me because they found out too much” sets off a lot of red flags, because it could be something tiny like political leaning or musical tastes, or something extreme like the person was doing something dangerous or illegal. In that vein, would strongly suggest backing out and laying off your uh… self-deprecation a bit.


What or who are you referring to here? The person I replied to or the GM response?

Tell that to some of the people here. If you don’t need to know anything then stop jumping on people who express the fact they don’t want it. No other reason for people to know BTags unless it’s to get under someones nerves.



Brakk said it better than I did haha

In regards to you saying moderators sifting through people being unable to take opinions, blizzard already said that being wrong isn’t trolling and they still sift through reports for one reason or the other and posts are either deleted or restored for one reason or the other.

Also You are the only one claiming that we are demanding to know your battle tag, you are making up an enemy that doesn’t exist. If you couldn’t tell, the thread is about account-wide ignore functionality, not making the forums use battle tags instead of characters. If we had account wide ignores, we wouldn’t need to know what goes on in the back end of the forums because it will simply be blocking the person instead of the character. The clutching at the battle tag has just been one of the people against account-wide ignores because of an irrational argument that doesn’t hold any weight whatsoever because it actively contradicts the same argument they made for anonymous posting.