Can we get account wide ignore?

always wanted to play that game. i would definitely play as a tyrant though lol

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Prepare for deep pockets. You’ll be spending a lot of money on DLC’s that should’ve been freely added into the base game.


we could be like the sims 3 and give you all supernatural creatures in one pack… or we could separate them into different packs and make twice as much money.

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Don’t you dare think like EA. They’ll eat you alive.


or just wait for a game sail and get all the dlcs for next to nothing


Good luck with that. We all know how EA works.

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Been waiting for… checks notes

Holy… heck… ten years?

No wait did the math wrong hold on… seven years…

Sims 4 has been out for seven years?

Nope thats the wrong date its ten… it is ten years old somehow.

I’m not old…shut up. Gods I was out of college already. T_T


9 years 7 months 19 days for the PC release.

I won’t lie, I miss it. But my laptop didn’t have enough space for all those xpacs AND wow. I had to choose.


You can never be too old or too young for DLC Simulator.

Maybe so but I can be too poor. lol


I remember playing The Sims (the original) and getting the House Party and Hot Date DLC.

I was a successful astronaut and at one point became the president. Then I died in a fire because I burned my Cheerios.

Oh, I am way too poor… I can’t even afford a rent-a-millionaire.

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Sometimes you can get a good deal. The older packs go for 50% off and there’s also the bundles.

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Reminds me of the Simpsons, Homer cereal catches fire with a bowl of cereal and milk.


I shall provide a visual aid on why I would like account-wide ignores. Let’s say you would like to ignore ole Pharazon here. Now, I try to be kind and caring, but, hey, anyone that wants to ignore me can: not everyone will like everyone else. But, what if you are like “hey, I don’t just want to ignore Pharazon-Thorium Brotherhood, I want to ignore all of his characters.” So, fine, of you go to a site where you can look up my alts. Sure, that won’t cover the 6-7 characters on classic/sod that can post, but it’ll get those retail characters.

But, oh, then you see this:

Oh…100…that’s a lot of characters to type into the ignore field on your forum character preferences. But, guess what? That’s not all of them, since that website only returns 100 results per account. It’s actually 142 that are level 10+ and can post here. So…yeah.

I support account-wide ignores because I want to ignore an entire person’s account in one click rather than typing in almost 150 if I wanted to even ignore myself (what’s the limit on ignores if there is one?)? Of course, I’m sure most people are not posting on so many and neither am I, just this Pharazon 99.9% of the time and occasionally with my druid Sheaf and a couple of others if they are topical for a thread…but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t if I wanted to do so. It would be a lot easier to just put the btag pharazon#11224 on ignore than fumble through adding 142 characters to ignore (which would do nothing to prevent me from making character 143 and posting).


I am offended and ashamed by this number. I need to step up my altoholic game :sob:


I have a lot of alts, but my god, that is a lot more than me.


Was looking for the gif to see if I could post it before you could. Alas, my reflexes are slipping in this early AM hour.

But yeah, pretty much that, except explosively fatal because a bad cooking check in the Sims means your entire house can burn down. Do more than open a bag of chips? You are playing a dangerous game there to make more of your bars turn green at the same time.

One of my characters in the sims died to be struck by lightning twice, first time, jogging while there was a storm, second time, while running home after being struck by lightning.

Huh. I looked myself up on Check PvP and it only listed 5 of my alts, one of which I didn’t even finish leveling and one that didn’t even leave the starting room… People didn’t even look up my alts that had silly names and I’m currently at the cap for characters and would have to delete one to make another, even stranger since the ones that were looked up weren’t characters I posted on forums with.

But yeah, would be a hassle to ignore every single character of someone, especially since ignore lists have limits where if you wanted to ignore two people that had a large number of alts, you simply can’t because you’d be hitting those limits.