Can we get account wide ignore?

We can only assume that Blizzard doesn’t find it as large a problem as its made out to be.

Plus lambasting the same posters over and over again doesn’t indicate a wide spanning issue, rather just a big issue with specific posters who aren’t obviously numerous enough to warrant changes.

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Nothing going on there. Some cool stuff being posted through. Someone made a model of the Alliance Inn in Goldshire.


Shh don’t jinx it D:


But wrong in that oh so right way.

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nice to see such a lovely discussion of my suggestion.

hope everyone is having a good day

No. You assume this, as it’s what you want.


Lol ya know what the first 3 letters of assume are? XD



What’s the alternative?

They don’t have enough money, staff or what?

You can only remain as optimistic as the facts allow and the fact is they’ve done nothing more than the offhand comment about 18 moths ago…and that’s only from a blue.

Someone who might not have any significant say in this type of process.

if you could choose an alternative, ardmccloud, what would your first choice be?

If I was Blizzard?

Nothing as that’s the cheapest, most inoffencive option which seems to be working for them so far.

Uhh if we’re talking cost cutting then delete the forum and starting over.

For fixing these forums?

A rehash of the CoC that covers more specific negative behaviors/comments with stronger moderation.

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Yep, account wide ignores

What a good change it’d be, literally the only one that makes sense to be added


Except we have no idea how complicated or costly it would be to do it.

Or if it actually benefits Blizzard from a business standpoint.

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Perhaps they’re waiting for the right time. Hard to say because I don’t know any more than you or anybody else. I personally see no benefit to assuming the only possible outcome is getting your way, though. You may be right, but you’re going to feel very foolish otherwise…and there’s bound to be people who will never let you live it down. Don’t count me to be among them, because it’s not that serious…but I don’t doubt that’s what will happen.

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I think they’re waiting for the next xpac so they can do everything all at once instead of spacing it out.

Xpac launches are when they do forum toggles after all, heheeee


but we did just have a very recent forum change:

we can no longer click “view profile” on the picture of a post - we have to click the poster’s picture, then click “view activity”, then we have the option of viewing their profile.

so they’ve already done a change, i don’t think they are waiting to do it all at once, in my opinion.

If we’re measuring their response time by comparing speculations, mine appear to be more accurate in the absence of any further developments.

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It wouldn’t surprise me if there is larger changes coming within the next expansion. As Blizzard moves everything to be more account wide, and with Warbands being something next expansion, wouldn’t surprise me if the forums become more on an account level rather than a character-server level.


Yeah, I will never understand how anyone thought a different account for each character was a good idea…


I don’t think it was intentional. The forums were designed to be posting from an account level, and Blizzard probably didn’t realize the forums would treat the character-server as the account.

How ever, they know of the limitations in regards to the forums, and how somethings are able to be abused when should not be, but yeah, somethings are not as easily done as they are said.