Can we get account wide ignore?

Not the wow sub reddit specifically, just reddit in general. They’re kinda known for that.


I think I’ll just stick to corn on Reddit.


Anyway. Anyone else excited for WW? :smiley:


Which is why I wouldn’t use ignores based on mob mentality stories, only from personal experience. People are to form their own opinions, and by that same logic, if someone’s own opinion is to not engage, it is their right to not have an engagement they don’t want shoved onto them.

Personal DMs on WoW forums will not go well and will only open another avenue that it would absolutely require account-wide ignore before even being considered.

I have several whispers from random players making alts on my server just to spam my whispers with insults and even having me blocked while they were still whispering me so…

I’m not going to argue what harassment because it’s a rather clear case of what constitutes harassment and isn’t really up to interpretation, regardless of personal opinion.

Honestly, I’ve wanted this for a while. They can add a friends list and only friends can DM you which would prevent people from messaging just to troll or harass.

I’ve often wanted to say or ask someone something but it was way off topic or should only be asked in private. I think it would also help out with connecting with people and making friends.

Currently, the only real way to connect on the forums is if someone asks for your btag which most people don’t do or if they invite you to their discord which shouldn’t be posted on the forums.

Just a thought.


so i’m working on brainstorming some ideas for the suggestion that the wow forums be moved to reddit.

some of the pros that i can think of are the following:

  1. Blizzard saves alot of time and resources since they don’t have to pay discourse to continue to develop the software for the forums as well as not needing to spend money hiring moderation staff as well, since all of that will be done by reddit.

  2. Everyone can choose how they want to identify themselves - if someone wants to name their reddit account after their favorite wow character, they can do that; if someone wants to have multiple accounts to each have the name of a different wow character they can do that as well; if someone wants to not be known by their wow character name, that would be an option as well.

  3. The participation on the WoW forums are limited to the players who pay for a wow subscription, so they lose the ability to get helpful information from previous players or players who still enjoy the game but aren’t able to sub this month due to financial restrictions, or time restrictions, etc.

So basically, rather than blizzard re-working the whole forum software via discourse and hiring more moderation staff, blizzard could move the forums over to reddit and enable more fruitful discussions as people who aren’t currently subbed to WoW can partake.

this really seems like a great idea to me, what does everyone else think of this?

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It already exists. If you want to post on Reddit, go right ahead, no one is stopping you. That isn’t really a valid suggestion to delete WoW forums to make them just another branch of Reddit.


I still respectfully disagree.

It needs some padding but it is another potential forum solution.

I slide into DMs with newspaper baps.


I would LOVE to see some of these meatheads go to /r/wow and try to pull the same stunts as they do here. The mods there are quite unforgiving and biased.


Does that mean you don’t love me? :pleading_face: You’ve never bapped me before!


Honestly? I’m scared to post there lmao Doesn’t matter if it breaks the rules or not, if the reddit mods don’t like something, they’ll straight out delete it.

It’s their world, we’re just living in it :dracthyr_lulmao:


Lol you’re good. At that point, i bap everyone.


Also, the ignore function on Reddit is even stronger than it is here, if you Ignore someone on Reddit, they can’t even reply to you directly.


You gotta pic and choose your subreddits, and just be REALLY civil. I usually poke around some of the anime and wargaming subreddits. I lurk on the gaming subreddits, just to see the nonsense that goes on there.


Oh yes, there is that

I think the last time I used it was for writing, but those aren’t very active so I ended up leaving haha Now I just visit when google sends me there to answer a question.

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I use it for corn. Corn is great.


I’m a big fan of /r/cheapfoods and /r/noodles, and some of the other cooking subs.


literally ppl derailing right now so…