Can we get account wide ignore?



They will never answer a question or engage in a debate

They just parrot the same things again and again and misquote people to push their idea

It’s probably why their last thread was deleted since mods saw their was no actual discussion, just the same posts again and again


I’m all for this. And while they are at it, they should make it so if you earn T3 you keep it.


100% up vote for the ability to block people I really don’t care to hear from at an account level. In real life I can send unwanted spam email messages to my junk folder and never have to see those messages again, same with texts messages, same with phone calls. I have people in real life that I’ve stopped speaking with, I don’t answer their calls, texts or emails. That system works, and has worked well for a decade? Why can we not have a basic function like that on these forums? It has nothing to do with “silencing people” or any of that. If I don’t like a song apple music suggests for me, I can simply click a button that says “don’t suggest this again.” On these forums people seem to think they have a right to heard, or that their opinion or suggestion is just as valid as someone else’s, and they shouldn’t be blocked. Thats unreasonable. No one should be forced to hear what you want to say, and you shouldn’t have the ability to just jump to a new alt and continue posting things people already didn’t want to hear. I’m absolutely positive there are people on these forums who don’t like something I’ve said and have blocked me. Thats fine, It doesn’t bother me because I know those who don’t mind reading what I have to say haven’t blocked me and I see that we continue to engage with each other. People don’t always agree and not everyone gets along, but thinking that account-wide ignores are bad somehow also seem to be the people its ok to tell people that they have to listen to them no matter what, and thats just wrong.


A tidy morning to you all.

Daily-ish support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


Morning, I hope you’re all doing well and not feeding the trolls :slight_smile:

I would like to pledge my support to the addition of BattleTags and/or Account Wide Ignore for the forums. In my opinion, this is the best way to move forward to create a less toxic experience on the forums.

With BattleTags, people can no longer alt hop and pretend to be different people in order to further harass others and further their own argument by making it seem as if more people agree.

With Account Wide Ignore, people no longer have to deal with people alt hopping to harass them and don’t have to worry about running out of ignore slots. They can ignore one alt and the entire account is hidden to them.

Let’s make the forums better and easier to use for everyone :slight_smile:

Vongola#1794 approves of this message.



Donated blood today after work, very tired.

Btags and account wide forum QoL would be wonderful Blizz, pllllleeease? :dracthyr_yay_animated:


I normally reserve my ignore list for bigots but since youve been nonstop harassing people congratz!


And it’s not the first character they’ve done this as

Almost like account wide ignores would be a good thing and is why I made the thread!

A living example


One thing I did prove, is that they have no interest in a real debate or discussion. They are here to disrupt and derail to get the thread shutdown.


the forums already have a system to ignore right now.

yes, that is the current ignore system that we have.

i think that if the wow forums had a system of full anonymous posting, then people would get along more often. what are your thoughts on that?

Proving that comrade is commendable, but I feel like it was also obvious. They’re not even on topic to begin with.


Here to support Account wide everything for the forums and reporting those trying to intentionally derail the thread


This thread is actually the poster child for why account wide ignores and Btags should be in place.


the main issue with account wide ignores is that people can use the ignore feature to discover other players’ alts.

for example, you ignore person A’s main, then you can see all the hidden message of person A’s alts.

with anonymous forum posting, you would not have that problem

oh good the “And just by scouring the entire forum twice and comparing the two people could figure out alts! (if people post on them)” nonsense is back.


well that is possible with account wide ignores, but anonymous posting would ensure that cannot happen.

I know comrade!

Its odd that they think will actually work. The amount of effort required would be nearly insurmountable!

Account Wide Ignores and other forum systems being Account Wide would easily reduce most of the trolling problem. Alongside several other problems.

For instance I have TL3 on my main forum character but not on this one. If TL was attached to my account rather than my characters I could just make use of it. But apparently I’m somehow a less trustworthy person on my other characters than that one single character.

If only I could be held accountable on that other character by being attached to some sort of account based signifier.


Well I mean, you are a rogue


it is possible to do, though, which is why i don’t support account wide ignores.