Can we get account wide ignore?

Hey look, they’re literally admitting to trying to derail the thread now!


i am able to explain it quite nicely here in this thread.

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same could be said with all the pro-taggers, eh?

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yeah i would agree with that.

It’s hard to believe it would take a whole lot considering the other forums all have battlenet id.


it would be quite costly i would imagine

Whoever that is, it sounds exactly like someone else I’ve heard before.


Man, you know you’ll be waiting a long time. I’m still waiting for a certain fox to identify all my alts using my BTag and we all know that’ll never happen.


The fox is taking the show to the CS Forums. Sounds like he trying to tip some scales to get the thread shut down.


I keep telling people to stop engaging derailers

The threads about account wide ignores, I don’t care about btags or anonymous posting, literally not what the threads for


We have been called upon to serve… Possibly a mafia family… But serve nonetheless.

:taco: :taco: :taco:


Ok I think the conversation has gone to too many tangents. Lol.

Yeah, saw now. I request the others do not engage in that thread.


I keep telling the antis if you can find out real info with btags to text me on my phone since it is tied to my account and if they can I’d jump on the anti train with them


I got my phone tied to my account, but I don’t think that some of them want to text or call Australia.

this is another reason why anonymous posting would be good.

then no personal information would be shown.

Missing the point. Despite having his phone attached to his account, people can’t find his phone number with his btag.

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I would if I could talk to a kangaroo :stuck_out_tongue:

But, I truly believe that having an account wide ignore is a good thing for us. It’ll make the forums better overall and people will have less to worry about when dealing with others.

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I’m waiting for someone to point out my shoe size too.

My battle tag is the same name as my character name here, what personal information does Hwanwok have?