Can we get account wide ignore?

Hold up…you mean to tell me we dont even have an actual ignore function?

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Theoretically, so long as you remain on the 1 character you originally ignored the offending player on, their new alts should also remain ignored. It’s only when you get on an alt that you will be exposed to them and they will no longer be ignored.


so I’m stuck dk forever, momma noooo

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in fact the “ignore” function draws MORE attention to the fact that the ignored person has posted, than if they hadn’t been added to the ignore list, because there is a shaded line of ALL CAPS letting you know the ignored person has posted. (when if they weren’t ignored, you may have simply skimmed over their post… but while “ignored”, the system wants to make sure to draw attention to the fact that you don’t want to see their posts.)

hooray for backward thinking! :crazy_face:

…more like:


do i win the thread? did i just win the thread? i think i won. i want my prize now. :smile:

Yea…incidentally, it’s also why I use only this character to post on the forum 99% of the time as it ensures that the idiots I put on ignore, remain on ignore.


Are some people here still against account wide ignores for some “reason”?

If I ignore you, why would I care to know about your alts? why would I care about you? if I ignore you, I don’t care about you anymore, end of story.

I’m not going to go on and harass, witch hunt or black list anybody because that would fall under harassment, I care about my account and I don’t want to do something that would otherwise reprimand my account harshly, so why would I do this if I care about my account not getting tossed into the incinerator?


in order to discuss the topic on hand, account-wide ignores, i believe that you make a very good point here, ard…

very well-said :slight_smile:

it seems like, after reading all of your posts, i really can’t support account wide ignore… it really just seems like a bad idea altogether… thank you for pointing that out, ard.

well i’ve read all of ard’s posts and after reading those, i agree with all of ard’s reasons why we should be against account wide ignore.

Don’t forget the forum gremlins that will steal our usb cables if this happens too.


when discussing the possibility of account wide ignore feature being implemented, this is a very relevant point and i am very thankful that you brought it up.

i really enjoy reading all of your posts, ard… they really make me realize that account wide ignore is not good for the forums.

i’m gonna take my leave here, ard… you have this under control and your amazing intelligence will continue to prove why account wide ignore is not good.

thanks buddy :slight_smile:

til we meet again :slight_smile:

Problem is how many times do they get these threads locked that Blizz ends up saying no more new ones and shuts them down as soon as they are up .

Just ignore them and let them hop on the next alt and once they give themself away call them on it and ignore that toon .

Let them be their own argument of why we need account wide ignores.


My counter to this would be the plethora of garbage spam repeats we see on GD every day like “healing is too hard reeee” that are full of trolls out of touch with reality.

Multiply that by 90% of gd and I’m not really too worried.


The only people who are against account wide ignores are the types of people you want to account wide ignore.

It’s like the lesson Squidward learned the hard way about the Krabby Patty from SpongeBob.

“The only people who hate Krabby Patties have never tasted one.”



You know sending false messages to Blizzard is against the Code of Conduct?

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity


Funny how you didn’t say that to Doobly. But can never expect much from you or your trolling.


I’m not gonna read any more of the trash in this thread than I have.
I’m sure the trolling has been said, but how does banning all of a troll’s characters not achieve the actual desired affect and keep forums (and the game) healthier?


I’m not here to act as judge, jury or executioner when it comes to poster conduct.

I just let the system speak for itself.

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Hmmmm let’s add bloodypaws is a hypocrite to the old bingo card.


You left this out of the post.

Spreading :flame: doesn’t help anybody here. Not if you’re arguing for forum changes.

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Seems like your judging other posters atm. Tisk tisk

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Fixating on me isn’t going to fix these forums.

I’m not single handedly holding any forum changes back by just posting on here.


Why are you trying to dictate my opinion and judge me?

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