Can we get account wide ignore?

I couldn’t give a single hoot about your personality and your past as far as this topic goes, though I will openly admit that I do not like you. But it doesn’t, as strange as it may sound, have anything to do with you. I think you are making it all the more appealing, but it’s not because of you or other personal beefs that I want this feature. I want civility and order. That is all.


All you do is attack others for disagreeing with you, trying to dismiss any argument against your weak hypotheticals as personal attacks. You’ve suggested that people who make some points you don’t agree to should face suspensions. You show what you want from those statements that dismiss the idea that you should engage with the criticism of your ideas and that you should just be able to spew nonsense and that it’s bad behavior when people who disagree with you point out the many many weaknesses in those scenarios you make up.


Careful, a certain level 55 dk will come out and say we’re harassing him.


You haven’t proven anything by a preponderance of the evidence, let alone beyond a reasonable doubt.



I’d be surprised if Moon was the only one to notice the excessive amount of displeasure that’s thrown my way.

More or less be brave enough to mention it, least they get the same treatment.

Don’t want none, don’t start none.

You throw a lot out yourself and then whine when you get some back in return.


You will notice that most of the people who start out defending you eventually change their tone as they get overwhelmed with your unending barrage of unproductive snide comments.


Dont worry. As long as a person doesn’t actively troll, they tend to be ok.

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With the comments I get it wouldn’t surprise me if a degree of coercion also played a factor.

And you don’t suspect moon of being coerced to defend you?

They can see that all your focus on me doesn’t really go anywhere.

No matter how many times I tell you.

Just like your focus on defending trolls, harassers, stalkers. :wink:


Our focus would absolutely go else where if you didn’t insist on inserting yourself into the conversation.


Things might actually have a chance to go somewhere if your “arguments” went anywhere and weren’t just nonsensical hypotheticals you toss out and refuse to elaborate on.


Well I still don’t agree that the idea would work.

Thats fine. You never elaborate on why.

But man, you try your hardest to derail the conversation. Which is hilariously ironic. Or isn’t.


It’s less about making sense and more about running others in circles until they give up and then claiming victory and vindication.


That may be true, but they still make no sense.

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At the end of the day, time is what will tell if Blizzard does anything.

Everything else is a pointless consideration.