Can we get account wide ignore?

If pro-supporters didn’t swing in here with grudges against specific posters then your discussion wouldn’t have gone awry.

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Anyways, daily support for
:waffle: account wide ignore
:waffle: account wide likes
:waffle: account wide flags
:waffle: account wide total post count
:waffle: account wide trust levels

all thrown together with BattleTags underneath our characters.


Don’t forget account wide pickles.


and account wide chili fries :hot_pepper: :fries:


You don’t understand, the fact is, in my brain so long as you don’t know my real name, address, phone number that gives me a bit more leeway to make certain statements, I wouldn’t say half of what I do if there was any connection between the game and my real self,

The problem with account wide ignores is that I noticed on the old forum, that if I said something or someone started to hold a grudge or whatever, people would start to call out all my alts, I didn’t like that, on this forum people have had to do a lot of extra research to be able to do that, which has made me feel safer to say stuff,

I do admit it’s a bit disappointing to hear if FF14 has gone down this path, but I actually unsubscribed from that game at present, if all honesty if account wide ignores became a thing would be the day I would literally unsub from wow, as without feeling like I can talk on the forum safely, there literally wouldn’t be much point sticking around in the downtime between expansions,

The only way I’d accept something like account wide ignore on this game, is if Blizz was to give the user slightly more control over their threads, see just today on Facebook someone responded negatively to a post I made, but as that’s my real self over there, that’s no problem, I can just totally delete my post, and everything that the person said after also gets deleted, so I have a bit more control over there if I don’t like the way people are reacting to my comments,

If there was that kind of compromise, I think that would be better, because that would solve the mods from doing work too, and plus I would feel slightly more in control of my reputation that if I say something that gets flagged or that people don’t like, I’d just be able to instantly delete the post and remove the whole thread myself.

What you are promoting is the right to deception and manipation under the guise of privacy.


W… what the? Maybe don’t say things that make people mad and or upset like… what the?

If people don’t want to hear from you on 1 character they sure as snickerdoodle don’t want to hear from you on another.

No and then!


Dang nabbit, I was grocery shopping earlier today after work and almost bought a jar of pickles. The only reason why I didn’t was because it was too heavy.

Now I wish I got those pickles lol


I love pickled peppers more than pickled cucumbers. Now being originally from WV, we pickle almost everything…

Pickled corn, pigs feet, beats, eggs, jowls, water melon rinds… beans.

If it can go in a jar it gets pickled.


I love to cook and seeing as I’ll be off work for a few days, I got som ingredients. nothing fancy but I can fix myself a few bagel sandwiches because omg, I love bagels. Any time you makes bagels, I always like to put a sliced pickle spear on the side. (I stole the idea from a restaurant I used to go to that went out of business some time ago).

Sometimes I would grill the sandwich and make a panini. I always have that with a large heaping handful of potato chips.

(forgot to include my mandatory on topic support for account wide ignore)


I like sticking the potato chips on the sandwich that’s usually really good. :smiley:

No and then!


You obviously aren’t. You could stop whenever you want to. Rather, you should be able to stop whenever you want to. I’m genuinely not sure if you can, though, Ard. You just keep going and going and…


No Litithia. You don’t understand that you’re giving who you are as a person.

Not our problem.

'Cept for the fact people have the print screen button and free tools to screenshot things, considering i’m demostrating that right now because of your ridiculous comment. And telling those who use facebook (who also use twitter) about you and screen cap your interactions. Oops. :laughing:

Soil to the rest of the comment since it’s full of chicken feed.


You think they go through withdrawals when people don’t respond?

That’s not healthy. Btags and account wide support would be a boon for them as much as they don’t want to admit it.


Why are we constantly focusing on me?

Where’s the psych analysis for everyone else?

Get off my back.

Accept I’m against your ideas or don’t.

Attempting to read any deeper or gleam basis for theories about me is pointless, as it does nothing to further your case.

If you don’t like the way the discussion in this thread is going, you’re welcome to leave and ignore us.


I won’t be bullied out of here.

Well, that is your choice to make, just be ok with the consequences of that choice.

If you dislike our analysis of your behavior, you’re welcome to change that behavior to force the analysis thereof to change. So far you have shown no interest in doing that, so our analysis remains the same.


You will not intimidate me to leave.

This is a public forum and you cannot dictate when or where I can post.

Just like you can’t stop us from analyzing what you do post just because you don’t like the conclusions we’re arriving at.