Can we get account wide ignore?

Only thing I worry about is someone making similar bnets to someone else just to troll as them but I think it would still be fairly easy to see if it’s the real them or not.


Mirasol was telling everyone the story of someone who actually tried that. Thing is, you can not create the same BatteTag as someone else, because the BattleTag code is always unique.

So, mine for example, the Saracalia#1520 will be unique, because there will not be any other BattleTag code with #1520.


You can’t control the 4-5 numbers at the end, and it’s not like making a character with the exact same name as someone else on another server is that hard right now.

Also, btag changes are $10 instead of free to spin up a new trolling alt.


Anyways, time to go play a game, and here is my daily support for:

:white_check_mark: account wide ignores
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide likes
:white_check_mark: account wide flags
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide trust levels
:white_check_mark: account wide total post count
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide kitties cats



Oh that is a pretty red kitty.


I just checked and you’re my #1 heart giver :rofl:


Which is why I, personally, would like to see the full unique battletag used everywhere across all of Blizzard’s forums because just using the name portion gets you stuff like I run into on the Diablo 4 forums:

Yes, you can click on the posters’ names and see the unique bnet id, but at a glance it’s hard to tell. So, I’d like to see the full btag used here (alongside our characters) and elsewhere too. And, of course account-wide hearts, reporting, ignores, TL3 etc.


W… ok why are there 2 there? o.o

Are they two different pharazons?!

  1. Top me, middle and bottom other people.

That’s so wild dang.


wait did they change their btag to your name? or how does their forums work

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Diablo 4 forums just display the first, name part of the battletag. They are also pharazon but with different numbers. No malicious intent on their part or anything. But, it could be just as confusing at first glance.

I should note that—as I’ve mentioned to some on the forums before—I had a firearm in part of my btag which I originally had that plus his name in reference to my grandfather who died 3 decades ago. Because I do support btags on the forums here, last April 10th I changed it to pharazon because that’s what I use here on the WoW forums and have used on many sites and in many online games since 1997. Sadly, that gave me a 5-digit number instead of 4, but that doesn’t really matter. It’s quite possible and probably that in terms of battle tag that at least one of the others on the D4 forums have used it longer within the bnet universe.

Also, my bnet account already shows up here on the WoW forums for whatever reason as did my old one. I just think that is interesting and neat, since I know some other forum-goer’s btags do not:

Also, I have no idea why it says Joined Jan 1 2023 either :confused:. So, I think you can gather what my battletag is from that. I may or may not accept any requests though.

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Mine apperantly joined in 2020…


I try to find mine and mine don’t show up D:


I just wanted to share a bit of a history lesson…and please note, for once, in this post I will try and be impartial as possible, and not take sides on the specific issue being proposed.

It’s my understanding that when Blizzard at a company was at it’s peak around the beginning of the 2010’s, and even at that time when they were still making amazing games and amazing expansions, Blizzard still had a problem…

The forums even then were a little bit toxic. Despite having a big team of moderators, that wasn’t enough to stop the toxic anti-social behavior, but this still wasn’t enough, so they then had talks behind the scenes and someone had the idea of forcing everyone that posts on their forums to show their real ID.

This is actually what you have to do on Facebook, but when a Blizzard employee attempted to post his real name on the forum to sell the idea, but this backfired as the Blizzard employee in question ended up having his address phone number and everything posted on the forum.

As a result, they scrapped the idea of using REAL ID on the forum entirely.

Now my understanding is that while what’s being proposed this time isn’t the same thing as giving out your real name, I suspect Blizzard would still want to tread this space carefully.

And let’s be honest, Blizzard unfortunately isn’t what it used to be, while they’ve had some success, there’s been quite a few scandals at the turn of the decade for them…hopefully they can recover from all that but time will tell.

I don’t even know how to see mine.

But it wouldn’t hurt to have the WoW forums fall in line with the other forums, it really doesn’t make sense to opt out one game forum from the other format.

This would give us the same capable functionality of the other forums have for account wide ignores.


Did uh… did you mean to reply to me directly?

Says on my end you replied to me.

I mean, they keep bringing up Facebook, which is interesting given the news that broke that Facebook encouraged people to install spyware on their phone to get intel on how people used snapchat.


Uh… they literally have battle tag on thier other forums… battle tag is not real ID at all. No real ID.