Can we get account wide ignore?


He likes to forget the burden of proof falls to the claimant.


And that you can’t prove a negative.

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I dunno what I’m supposed to prove when I just made a request

Let us ignore accounts instead of players, that fixes all my issues of people alt hopping and having 3 people on my ignore list but having near 30 characters

Oh I was talking about Arfmcclown’s claims lol. You, sir, are fine.

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Yea I am


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If society didn’t have any bad eggs, you wouldn’t exist. I assume you still remember your forum vacays (the most recent was fairly recent), and what you did to earn them.

Much like you’ve weaponized your willful ignorance. Anything can be weaponized, even your inane sea-lioning.

I know what you’re referring to, and (surprise, surprise) you’re wrong… again. There had been no update, but they preparing to implement Read ID (a genuinely bad idea), and a community manager volunteered his name on the open forums. He was doxxed, just him, no one else. I think the worst that happened was there were a lot of pizzas delivered to his apartment.

That incident demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt that associating players’ real names with their forum posts was a colossally stupid idea, so those plans were summarily scrapped. Nice sea-lioning, though. I know the Real ID doxxing episode has been explained to you ad nauseum during the past year or so.

Next boogeyman, please.

So poke away, friend. We’d all love to see what you’ve got.

The impasse is that you can’t validate your point, and the other side doesn’t need to.

You saying there are flaws doesn’t cause flaws to manifest. Put away your Chicken Little costume and tell us all what the flaws are. Just a heads up, though - nobody is interested in your conspiracy theories or fairy tales.

Discourse. Completely different company. Have you even been paying attention?!?!?

Why would we need evidence? All we’re doing is asking for features to be implemented or modified. YOU are the one saying that those features portend the end of civilization as we know it. We’re not making claims, so we have nothing to prove. YOU are making claims (baseless and false though they may be), so the burden of proof, my dull friend, falls to you.

Only from those that are ignoring that user. Nobody outside that cabal of four players is going to not see the users posts.

And this is what happens when I return from a couple of hours of errand-running to find nearly a hundred new posts in the thread. I’m breaking out in hives now, though. Pretty sure it’s just an allergic reaction to all the idiocy and ignorance I’ve just felt compelled to address.


I doubt he could poke his way out of a wet paper sack

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I think at this point we’ve all developed an allergy to his idiocy.

I know I have a year round allergy to idiots . They seem to be blooming year round

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Oh, he absolutely couldn’t, not even with a sharp stick!

Here’s hoping we’ve built up an immunity to it. Just in case, though, he’s going right back on ignore. If I thought there was even a 0.0000001 percent chance that he might actually post something that he thought was a logical and reasoned defense of his opposition, I’d stick around and listen to them.

But he can’t, so I won’t.

Just real quick before I click that Ignore button, Ard… I see you typing. Don’t bother.

This isn’t a court room, parliament or legislative floor room.

Point is if “evidence” is such a concern then why shouldn’t the same apply to back the suggestions of adding account-wide ignores.

I’d disagree.

Aside from emotional content, how do you accurately measure how much disruption sock puppeting actually causes on these forums?

I support daily fudge brownies too!

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I swear the forums are bugged. I only just got the notification for the reply just right now, instead of 2 hours ago when you actually replied.


Yeah, that’s been an issue for a couple weeks now.


Standard procedure of those who choose wilful ignorance or just to be argumentative. It’s impossible to debunk conspiracies as they can just shake their head and say nuh uh, or fake news, or I disagree. No matter how much science or rational arguments prove them wrong


You can’t definitively predict how people would use an account-wide ignore system, which lends credence to my arguments.

Foxy is forgetting we already DO have evidence in the form of every other Blizzard forum and the literal thousands of other forums all of the interwebs that work the way we have requested WOWs to work. And checks notes the world is still spinning and the fox and the mage can still say their insane blather, so no ones freedoms have gone away. Just like they won’t if account wide ignore is implemented here.

Proof, again. (Not that we needed to show any.)

Mic drop